Chapter Twenty-Seven

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THE beautiful lake.

Christian laid the blanket for us to sit on, and we walked here wearing our swimsuits, the lake was close to our estate. We were all seated on the blanket, fronting the lake. "Last one out of the water is a bitch," Valentino raved, lifting Addie in his arms and jumping in the lake, earning a scream from her. I smile at them, shaking my head.

I run after them with the guys and flung myself into the water, and I felt the lake feeling of the cold water.

The moment my body embraced the water, an unparalleled sense of liberation enveloped them. A joyful chorus echoed through the night, releasing pent-up energy and worries from my shattered soul.

Each splash and dive sent refreshing waves through my body, momentarily divesting me from the warmth that had afflicted me for days. Bridget and Damien went far away probably to argue.

I screamed after accidentally splashing Christian. However, he started chasing me.

With my heart pounding in uncertainty, I shut my eyes and plunged into the water, submerging myself completely.

"Christian let me down!" I screamed, trying to get off Christian's broody shoulders. Damien set Christian up to drop me in the water if solely he knew that he was conveying us closer into a sexy anecdote. Yes big brother, get me closer with your best friend!

"One, two, three!" They were all enchanted, and Christian lowered me into the water, forcefully clasping me down under the lake. His hand was on my neck, forcing me down. I placed my palms on the side of his hips, trying to push him.

Damien helped me up, my glare indicated to Christian who smirked at me. "I'm going to kill you!" I yelled, trying to drown Christian, but I had only half his strength, I tried to grip his muscles, but he wouldn't even flinch. I had a good time touching him.

"Are you done yet, Valentina?" Christian bored his eyes into mine, not slightly affected by my palms. "Fuck you." I hiss.

"You're getting fucked raw when we're in private after you flirted with Luciano last night." He growls. I think he was joking.

I scowled, still not giving up.

My strong husband (doesn't even like me) places arm to place a hand on the nape of my neck, gripping it and shoving my whole body under the water once again. I choked, placing ny hand on his abs that were so defined.

I gasped for air, my eyes growing wide as I was lifted once again by Valentino. "You are evil," I told a careless Christian.

"Told you I'd kill you one day, baby." He whispers in my ear.

Damien got distracted by Bridget after she splashed water on him, and thank God he did because he could've killed Christian after what his response was to mine. "Then you're attracted to evil, what a martyr you pretend to be." Christian mocked me, sending me a sinister smirk.

I squinted my eyes at him, swallowing my nervousness and swimming to Addie and Valentino who had disappeared. 

Later, we waded back to the shoreline, our skin covered in a thousand droplets of water, mirroring the stars above. We sat on the blanket, my body humming with satisfied weariness.

Bridget laughed, and rested her head on Rosalina's lap, while I giggled in response to silly Adeline's joke. Our laughter and the sound of Valentino, Damien, and Christian laughing filled the air.

"Guys, I'm tired, I think I'll walk back home. Have fun!" I stand up. Before my brothers try to be protective, I pout. "Please. I want to go back and not stop you guys from eating dinner, I will be fine! I grew up here." I say, picking up my cardigan and walking inside the forest.

I had realised I forgot my phone by the time I'm half-in, surrounded by trees. I jump when a shadow falls over me. How did he not make a noise? I find Christian following me.

"Don't talk to me." I cross my arms, completely ignoring him.

He chuckles. "You think I want to?" He says bebind me. My face falls and I frown as I keep walking. I decide to joke.

"Oh, so you prefer to fuck me without talking. I thought you would like dirty talk." My lips tipped up.

I hear him walk faster. "No. I like no talking." He mutters behind me.

"Not surprised," I scoff, walking faster. You made a vow, Val. Stick to it and have some sense. But I can't just not acknowledge him! I'm just an angelic girl who has a crush.

"Scared, Valentina? That's why you're practically running away from me." He taunts.

I roll my eyes. "I'm allergic to manwhores like Christian Kingston." I say. Ew. I cringed at myself, glancing behind me. Still following me.

"Yes, a manwhore. But also I'm Christian Kingston, I can do whatever I want." Of course he'd use his name as privelege. Kind of reminds me of Chuck Bass.

"You're nothing like your Uncles, Father and my brother, that's for sure." I joke.

I hear him chuckle. "I'm better."

Egoist. "Mi fai schifo, egoista." I scowl. I haven't interacted in Italian in a while. I'm surprised I still have the accent. The only reason I learnt it was for my Dad.

"Se ti disgusto così tanto, perché mi desideri?" I'm not shocked he responded so casually. Italian in our home growing up was a must to learn since our mafia origins were from there. If I disgust you so much, why do you desire me? His words. His words. His words make me want to jump in his arms and kiss him.

I swallow thick. "Stop." I say.

"You're the one that's still running, baby." He teases.

"I am, and I won't stop. Not until you make up your mind and want me. Physically too." I spat, descending from the forest to the mansion. Home sweet home.


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