3. Drinking everything away

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As soon as the members heard one of the tour locations would be Hong Kong, Jungkook hurried to research what was the best alcohol he could get there.

Months ago Yoongi had started to drink whiskey, and as a result he would investigate everything about it, tasting various kinds and eventually becoming somewhat of an expert. Namjoon followed him short after and soon both of them would have a night on the week to drink together.

Jungkook noticed it and sat with them one day, but the magic went away as soon as he tried the drink. He wasn't sure what it was but the taste didn't finish to convince him. Yoongi laughed it off and told him he could discover other things he liked more then.

The maknae took that to heart and then set the goal to be knowledge about traditional drinks. He began with Korea and discovered he actually quite enjoyed the old way of making alcohol; after that glad surprise he went on to try Thai, Japanese and even Russian drinks, falling hard for every single one.

Beijiu was one he was waiting to try eagerly, and so as soon as he was settled in the hotel he went out to get some in a nearby store. After saying good night to the bodyguards he decided to open the bottle.

It hadn't been too expensive so he wasn't expecting much. Jungkook just wanted to serve some, sit next to the window and admire the city before going to bed.

However, it couldybe that simple, because when he had sat down and was about to get the first sip, his phone rang.

"Really?" He complained aloud before going to his bed and answering. "Hello?"

"Dear, hey, I thought you'd call once you arrive." The voice of Yabuki immediately tired him. The image of her long hair, slim body, good family, the month they had spent together five years ago and the night they shared six months before suddenly came to mind.

"Hey, sorry, I...had to help the members with their luggage and I forgot." He made up and laid on the bed. "How are you?"

"Missing you." Yabuki giggled. "And tired about the guests' places..."

"Sorry to leave you hanging with it." Jungkook said, strating to play with the ring on his left hand.

"It's fine." She sighed on the other line. "I just want you to be back...the planning feels empty without you." Jungkook smiled at the statement, thinking it'd be nice to hear it from another person.  "Jungkook? Are you still there?"

"Have you fixed a deal with your father's debts?" The topic starstruck the woman, who went dead silent for some seconds.

"They'll take everything after the wedding, and my father will pay you back."

Jungkook smiled at the statement, knowing well about the other debt the man had now because of the lawyers he hired to get it out of his mess of fraud.

"He doesn't have to." Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "I told him."

There was a silence between the two, the type is weird to witness of two soon to be married. Maybe for them it was normal though, they were actually not close at all. Jungkook met him at a gala and got her number, then a couple of dates during summer and some vacations in Paris; when work got heavier they cut things off...and then six months before the tour they suddenly slept together in a night Jungkook don't even remember. He could only guess she had arrived sad and they drank.

Whatever it was, now she was pregnant.

"You know how he is...happy that you propose to me..." Yabuki talked suddenly, making Jungkook's memories disappear into thin air "but you know...you don't have to do anything you don't want to."

Jungkook sat on the bed and breathed out, he took a sip of his glass and thought about the flavor for some seconds before continuing the conversation.

"I already let the company know I would, and the fans also know."

"I wasn't talking about them." There was some uneasiness in her voice, something about it made Jungkook imagine her having the call in front of her family while caressing her now surely noticeably belly.

"Yabuki-ah, I know what I'm doing. Believe me, I...I really want it marry you."

He thought about the last time he saw her, back then she didn't had a belly. He wondered how she looked now, probably seeing her would make it real.

The call was left silent again. It was hard when both of them never really talked about anything else that wasn't the wedding or the money.

Nevertheless, she tried.

"Can you take care of yourself there? Please?"

He smiled, defeated.

"I'll meet you in two weeks."

He hanged up the call on purpose, before she could say anything else. Then, he walked up to the window and left his drink alone, not in the mood to taste it anymore.

Some voices were then heard outside, Jimin laughing with Hoseok for some silly Taehyung complain.

Jungkook shrugged and sighed, to then walk to his headphones and turn them on to fall sleep.

He was running out of time.

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