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Naris woke Ryna when the sun began to rise. The two packed up camp and began to continue down the path to Ald Velothi. Ryna was quieter than she had been the previous day but Naris didn't think much of it. It was early and he knew that some did not enjoy the mornings.

She was silent for the entire journey to Ald Velothi. They made it there only a few hours after dawn, locating the tower where the Hetman made his headquarters. A single dunmer was inside the tower, wearing a bonemold cuirass. "Greetings friends," the dunmer said.

"Greetings ser," Ryna bowed, Naris following her a moment later. "We are here to deliver the cure disease potion you requested."

"Good. The Arvel Family will be grateful," Theldyn nodded, taking the potion from Naris' hand. "Thank you, and tell Neminda the same."

"Of course," Naris nodded. They offered each other goodbyes, Theldyn saying something about future duties to which Ryna and Naris nodded and said they would return someday.

They were a mile out from Ald Velothi when Naris finally couldn't take Ryna's silence any longer. "What is it?" he snapped, stopping and grabbing Ryna's arm to stop her too.

"What?" she said.

"You're too quiet. What is wrong?"

Ryna's eyes sparked for a moment as she looked at him, "worried about me?"

Naris grit his teeth, "maybe."

"Good to know," she said softly. The sparkle died as she looked away from Naris for a moment, bit her lip, then looked back. "Before I woke you... you said something in a language I didn't understand... you were distressed."

"No," Naris shook his head, "it was a good dream."

"What was it?"

"I was... with someone, someone I cared for but I don't remember who. They cared for me too."

"What were the words? What did they mean?" Ryna asked, stepping closer.

Naris hesitated before responding, "I don't know, I don't speak that language either."

Ryna didn't respond, but her eyes narrowed and Naris could tell she knew he was lying.

Thankfully after that discussion Ryna was more willing to speak with Naris the rest of the journey back to Ald'ruhn

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Thankfully after that discussion Ryna was more willing to speak with Naris the rest of the journey back to Ald'ruhn. She definitely did not believe him about the dream, but she didn't seem willing to press him, not so soon after he had seemingly accepted her company. He didn't know exactly why he liked her, why he had told her about the blades, or the dream. Why he liked it when she talked and talked during the entire trip. All he knew was that she was strangely comforting. The younger dunmer reminded him of someone, but Naris couldn't quite place who.

Another ashstorm had hit Ald'ruhn by the time they reached it. Covering the entire town in a new thick layer of red and grey ash. Ryna raised her hand to block her eyes, muttering about stupid storms. Naris chuckled slightly. Walking towards Under-Skar and forcing Ryna to follow, still muttering about storms and stumbling slightly. "You are from Vvardenfell aren't you?" Naris asked.

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