Chapter 16: They're WHAT?!

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Law's POV

I could barely sleep at all last night, tossing and turning. Yoogeurt going off with those idiots for the night did nothing to help soothe my conscience. Some deranged idiot is running around and they chose to stay with a bunch of love sick jackasses. I speed walk to the kitchen, it was strange not having food ready and I notice the crew laying their heads down in defeat due to Yogeurt's missing presence. I turn and start brewing some coffee, I clear my throat catching all of their attention.

"I will officially ask Yogurt to join the crew today" I say quietly, slowly pouring myself a mug of said coffee. Instantly the crew erupted with cheers, my eyebrows furrow in annoyance at the loud commotion behind me but opt to just take a sip from my cup.

"I'll be leaving soon, to meet them by the wisteria trees. Shachi and Penguin, you're tasked to get them from the Straw hats and showing them the way to me" I explain with a cold nod analytical tone, slowly turning back to face my crew.

"Yes Captain!" Shachi salutes quickly at attention.

"Ouuuu Captain! Sounds romantic!" Penguin exclaimed excitedly, I just shoot him a glare making him quickly tighten his lips. Although I did stay up after Yogurt departed to find the perfect place to ask I'd never openly admit that to anyone.

"Ok, let's go" I motion with my hand as I set the empty mug in the sink before we all head out together, shortly after splitting up as the two went towards the Sunny and I went towards the wisteria forest. It didn't take me long to get there yet the closer I got the louder my heart beat got. I fidgeted with the edge of my tank top, could even feel a cold sweat building on the back of my neck.

I paced around in a circle slowly, eyeing the wisteria flowers. Should I have gotten them flowers? Fuck. Wait would that have give a different impression? I feel my cheeks burn slightly at the thought, maybe the location I chose already gives that impression. I take off my hat and run my hand through my hair nervously, they have a way of getting me to feel like this. I clench my fist and take a deep breath to calm myself. It helped a bit, my muscles loosen a bit as my shoulders fall.

I turn back around and notice Shachi and Penguin running towards me, fuck. Everything tensed back up and my mouth went dry, I could feel my eyebrows furrow in. I probably looked like a nervous wreck. I scrunch up my hat in both hands to try and hide my clear signs of stress.

"CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN!" Penguin shouted, his voice hoarse as he panted from sprinting so long. Instantly I knew something was wrong, I shove my hat back on and bring out my hand.

"ROOM!" I yell, bringing them straight to me, the two caught their breath but the look on their face didn't help with my growing anxiety.

"What? Did they decide to go with Kid or the Straw hats?" I questioned, although that would be an inconvenience I knew I could get them to join us instead.

"No! They're missing!" Shachi shouted, my fist clenched in response, eyes widening as I felt myself getting angrier and angrier.

"WHAT?! What the fuck were those idiot straw hats doing?! They had one simple job, protect them." I growled, as I stomped down the hill and towards the Sunny so I can give those straw hats a piece of my mind.

"That's not it Captain, Zoro is missing too" Penguin said nervously, I feel confusion take over me "the straw hats are out searching for both of them"

I couldn't help but ponder about that, so they're both missing? Are they together? Zoro is strong, he could definitely kill anyone who attacked them. Are they at the festival? Alone? Why does the last one piss me off the most. I wave to the side towards Shachi and Penguin.

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