Chapter 4: drifitng

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The next day I awake with a pretty harsh hangover, I look over to see I had overslept. It seemed everyone was getting ready to split from the Barty pirates to go to their next path. I slowly walk towards Luffy and Law, Law had his hat over his eyes and seemingly in a terrible mood. Definitely a hangover.

"Come on, you're coming with us" law states, turning away and expecting me to follow. My ears flick back nervously as I look to Luffy who gives me a big smile.

"Wait but- Luffy is it-" I start before law cuts me off.

"It's already decided. Come on." He says a bit more annoyed as he peers over his shoulder and glares at me, he definitely has a hang over. My ears jolt back at his intimidation before quickly following behind him. Luffy snaking an arm around me with a loud laugh making Law glare back again even more intensely from the noise.

"So Yoogeurt! You'll be our stand in till we get Sanji ok?! I'm hungryyyy" he pushes me making me laugh more, I nod in agreement rubbing my stomach.

"Hmmm you're right! A good meal would hit the spot after getting such a bad hangover. I'll start cooking now- can you show me to the kitchen please?" I ask Luffy as his smile widens more and more, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the kitchens pushing past Law making him grit his teeth.

I walk into the kitchen and start to peer around the ingredients, I'm impressed at how well stocked everything is, and just like reading my mind as law walks in- pissed he opens his mouth.

"We are well stocked thanks to bartolomeo- had to convince him it was for Luffy and suddenly he was very willing" he grumbles as he sits down at the table and pinches the bridge of his nose annoyed.

I nod in understanding as I start to grab many different ingredients and start to cook a decent hangover breakfast meal. It takes an hour or so but by the time I'm finished I turn around to see the entire straw hat crew waiting eagerly at the table, Law is sitting with his hat down over his face not paying any attention.

I gently lay down the big plates in front of everyone, large waffles stacked high, scrambled heavy cream mixed eggs, bacon, toast, steak and spam onigiri. As law lifts his head he starts to lean over the plate- first thing he does is toss the piece of toast over to luffys side before starting to eat.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask nervously- only wanting for people to enjoy the food I made. Everyone else is already digging in- chatter filling the dining room as I lean over Law's shoulder.

"I don't like bread" he states in between bites, clearly enjoying the other food even if he didn't feel well.

"Duly noted" I smile with a curt bow before turning to everyone else "anyone have a hangover besides Law?" Nami and Usopp raise their hands making me chuckle at their sad faces, I quickly hop to the kitchen once more.

I whip up four drinks and gently lay them in front of the three and myself as I grab the final plate and sit next to Law.

"This should help, at least it does for me" I smile and start to eat as well. Law stares down at me for a moment as I get comfortable next to him- he looks pissed but I think it's only due to his hangover.

"Didn't expect you to drink Law- maybe you'll have to be my new drinking buddy since Yoogeurt here ditched me so early" Zoro chuckled across the table as he smiles at me, I smirk and shake my head but Law doesn't even seem to respond as he tries to just get through the morning.

"So what's the story with your crew again Yoogeurt?" Franky asks from the left side of Zoro. I cough a bit at the sudden question before stabilizing a bit, leaning back in my chair.

"Oh uh- we were in dressrosa to meet with a contact who may had some insight where a poneglyph was- we met with Law, Robin and Usopp. Once we got into a fight with Doflamingo I was separated from them, taken away with Law since Doflamingo saw something in me he liked. I haven't seen them since" I explain, the other crew now catching up on the story.  Their attention perked up at the mention of a poneglyph, but soon after they seemed to be a bit uneasy at the new information.

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