Chapter 13: Fighting Big Mom

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"Look, while I think you're ready to fight Big Mom, I need you to do something else for me" Law looks at me with determination, his hand still holding mine as we run through the halls.

"What's that?" I say suspiciously, not quite sure if I buy him wanting me to leave for my safety or if he actually needs me elsewhere.

"Bepo, Shachi and Penguin are somewhere in here, they're not as powerful as anyone else here. I need you to find them and protect them. Me and Kid can deal with Big Mom" he explains, his eyes and voice show he's a bit worried, I clench my jaw a bit before nodding curtly. His hand drops from mine.

"Fine, but I'll be back to check in on you, don't die ok?" I grin tapping his shoulder slightly with a big smile, he nods a bit.

"Of course I won't" he grins back at me, we slap our hands into a firm grip, agreeing to each others terms. With that he rooms to where he believes Big Mom is while I use a portal to hop through the floors in search of Bepo, Shachi and Penguin.

It doesn't take me long to notice nearly every floor is on fire, I teleport through floor after floor, not being able to see much of anything through the flames and smoke. Any people I did find I would teleport out of the building but it was no one I recognized.

Back with Law-

As the fight with Big Mom continued, they soon found themselves on the Performance Floor, with Kid being blasted back by Big Mom's Ikoku.

"Hey Law, is your devil fruit awakened yet?" Kid asked me, I roll my eyes as if the answer was obvious.

"Yeah it is"

"One last thing, if I make it out of here alive, im going to ask Yoogeurt to join my crew" Kid looked over at me seriously as he readied his next attack.

"Like hell you will, they're part of my crew, you're not taking a crew mate of mine" I hiss out, ready to up show this idiot in this fight.

"Funny, they said back in the prison they weren't part of your crew. Guess we better sustain as little damage as we can.. who ever gets into a coma won't have the head start of asking them to join them" He flashed me a cocky smile making me grit my teeth in response, instantly I use my awakened Devil Fruit ability, K-ROOM: Anesthesia.

This allowed me to coat his blade with a ROOM that could pierce through a person without hurting them, before performing an operation from within them, which i promptly did to Linlin, with Shock Wille, causing the Emperor severe internal damage.

Kid promptly followed up with his own awakened ability Assign: Punk Clash, which made Big Mom herself highly magnetic, and caused all the metal around her to fly at her at high velocity, burying the Emperor under a pile of steel beams. However, she soon got up and used Soul Pocus on the nearby Beasts Pirates, stealing their souls and using them to turn the steel beams into Homies. She then consumed a year of her own life to empower herself further before continuing the fight.

Back with reader:

It took me a long time, but eventually I was able to spot Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin. As the fire raged on I quickly gathered the three of them and ushered them to the portal. Once they were out I go to step through with them only for the portal to close abruptly when I feel a sea stone nail shoot into me. I collapse onto the floor with fire raging all around me.


Law and Kid's battle against Big Mom continued though it proved to be going badly for the Supernovas. Having knocked them down she continued to attack them, eliciting pleas for her to stop from their respective crews. They then attempted to retrieve their captains, which provoked Big Mom to use Tenman Daijizai Tenjin on them, before attempting to fly back to the roof to assist Kaidou. However, Law used his awakened ability K-ROOM: Anesthesia: Shock Wille to inflict more damage on her which caused the I-beam homies to target him. Thankfully Kid used his own abilities to incorporate the homies into Punk Corna Dio, and charged the bull construct into her smashing her against a wall. Both captains then stated their resolve to die before letting her go to the roof, before starting to bicker amongst themselves.

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