Chapter 12: The battle begins

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Chaos rained down from all around the battlefield, people were screaming and it had only just begun. We were still awaiting for more ships from the alliances when the beast pirates showed up and started attacking our back up. Right in front was Law, Luffy and Kid landing devastating blow after devastating blow.

I couldn't help but stare with awe at them, just then another man appeared with 1,000 samurai in tow. I quickly take into account for Sachi, Penguin and Bepo amongst the fighting. All I can hear is the clashing of metal on metal, people yelling and the sounds of hundreds of feet stomping and sprinting around us.

"Penguin! Sachi! Bepo! Close to me!" I order them causing them to do as I say, the three of them were scared shitless amongst the war, momonosuke was already captured and Kajuro wasn't letting up with his ruthless attacks. I bring out my scythe, ready to kill anyone who gets too close to my friends.

My eyes flick to the sea as the Beast pirate ships start to grow further and further away from the alliance's ships. Shooting them from afar with canons. Dammit! We're so close and we're already about to loose half our damn men.

Luckily just then a giant blue fish man came by in record speed, saving those in danger. As the chaos starts to settle just for the moment I rush up to Law, Kid and Luffy along with their crews to listen to the plan.

"We should split into four groups, one who attacks the pirates from the front, two who go from the side and my group which will take the Polar Tang to attack at the back of Kaido's castle" Law starts off before immediately glaring at Luffy and Kid "you two will be in group one since you can't follow a plan anyway" I can't help but snicker at this.

"Sounds fun, I think I'll take you with me hm? For old times sake?" Kid grins down at me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me in making me laugh.

"You two know each other?" Law squinted at Kid then me, Kid's cocky smile grows into a mischievous one as he leans into me more.

"Yeah, we go wayyyy back" he cackles "so whaddya say Yoogeurt?"

"No they're coming with me" Law steps a bit closer and rests a large hand on my other shoulder, the two glaring at each other just felt so intense.

"Well since Law made the plan I suppose I should go with him right?" I grin nervously as Kid squints a bit at this, a small smug smile pulling at Law's lips.

"I say you owe me for getting you outta that prison yesterday, least you can do is fight by my side?" Kid was quite smooth with his words, I could find myself heavily considering it making Law's grip tighten on my shoulder slightly at the hesitation.

"Well I need your devil fruit power for the plan so you're coming with me and it's final" law's voice was filled with frustration, he pulled me out of Kid's grip before pointing at the Polar Tang "get inside" he demanded. I turn towards the submarine and start walking away before Kid grabs my shoulder once more making Law grit his teeth.

"Fine, but don't die billy goat, I wanna see you when we wrap this up ok?" Kid's voice was rather suggestive, before I can even answer Law already has a hand on my back and pulling me towards the boat. "Hey! Dickhead!" Kid starts but Killer quickly drags his attention to Luffy's disappearance.

Once we get inside the Polar Tang, Law doesn't even look at me as just walks straight towards the helm. Within a few minutes we are already submerged, damn those two really don't like each other.

As I am staring out the window into the ocean I feel a hand on my shoulder, I slowly turn around to see Law. His face is annoyed, he crosses his arms as he begins to question me.

"How do you know Eustass Kid?" He presses, his frown somehow deepening as he makes his own assumptions.

"Well we knew each other about two years back, ran into trouble together when I was with my crew.
Since then we've been friends" I explain, he side eyes me a bit as he thinks on this.

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