Chapter 4

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"My thoughts are tangled and living off of uncertainty."


"Space, what do you have on her?"

Space looks at our President shrugging his shoulders as if he isn't happy with what he is about to say, "Honestly, there isn't much to say, President. Ms. Nari Seong is exactly what you expect her to be. She is currently 28 years old, single and a total workaholic. Her parents immigrated to the US from South Korea when her older sister was 3. Nari was born in the USA. She went to a public school, was a straight A's student, got a full scholarship for college and she graduated at the top of her class with honors. She has been a Social Worker for the State since then. I tried digging into other cases she has worked on and she seems to be one of those who would never be on the take. In fact, she even reported a politician who attempted to sway her with money. Her father is dead, the mother lives in a farm in Texas. The only things Nari seems to love are her job and... her sister. There is nothing we can use against her. There is nothing special about this girl."

"Besides that ass." Happy comments and I hear a few laughs here and there that annoy me to death.

I would have to disagree with my brothers on that one. Going against a politician sounds special to me anyway... kinda gangsta as well. Never would have guessed she had it in her.

"That's it? That's all? How about that sister of hers?" TL asks him intensely

"The sister, Leslie Seong, is a teacher. Married to a chauffeur named Eric Christensen. Nothing weird about them either. Just a normal couple. They just recently had... a baby. It's a girl." Space admits reluctantly and my eyes widen.

"Finally! That IS something. We might use that at some point." TL says and I turn to him immediately.

I blurt out a firm "No" before I even realize it, causing everyone to stop and stare at me. Mike gives me a long stare and I know that if he could talk he would probably curse at me right in this second.

Yeah, I know. All my fellow members are so used to hearing me make jokes, mess around and have zero serious comments at the Meetings usually. They are used to seeing me follow TL blindly, with full devotion... but this is a bit much. Nari's niece should have no part in this.

"My leg is healed." I continue quickly, "I can easily follow her around like a ghost, see what's up with her. I am sure I can find something. She isn't a saint."

"Perhaps we should do a bit more digging." TL states lowly while his eyes zoom on me a bit too much as if he can't figure out what is wrong with me, "You all know I would never harm a child. However... if it comes down to it, I am choosing Vivian and her son over anybody. She is a part of this MC family and THIS family comes first."

"It is better if we find something on her and fast. Space, keep digging, you never know what you might discover. " Sinner cuts the tension with his words and I shake my head in agreement.

"Hey President, can I also be on the Ms. Seong surveillance team? Especially when she is at home, all alone and about to have a shower? I want those shifts." Happy interjects and I see TL giving him a venomous glare. Suits him right.

"Shut the fuck up, Happy Pill. I don't trust you within a mile close to that chick. And Chico, you will have to be extra careful. I don't want you exposing yourself at any point.This is important, Vivian is one of our own. I am not gonna jeopardize another member's safety ever again. Vivian and her kid come before any other kid. Meeting over." He says those last words looking at me and I nod respectfully.

TL is my President. I owe him my life. I respect and follow him for the leader that he is. And I trust he would never make me go against him.

So...That's how I end up being someone's ghost again.

CHICO the fool -Legends of New York #2 (MC)Where stories live. Discover now