Chapter 5

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"Anyone who isn't confused doesn't really understand the situation." 


There are a few things I realize the moment I wake up.

One. My head is killing me.

Two. I am not lying in my own bed, this mattress is way too comfortable.

Three. Someone tried to hurt me last night.

Four. I have no idea where I am or how I got here.

And last but not least...

Five. The crazy hospital guy saved my life. 

As I open my eyes slowly I am hit with too This room is huge, with a Tv the size of a couch and the walls are too pink like a teenage dream. They are making me kinda nauseous.

I reluctantly lift myself from the bed and catch sight of my hand, just to see a bruise that serves as a harsh reminder that yesterday's events were not a figment of my imagination. The weight of reality begins to settle in and I take a deep breath. Just breathe, Nari

I am in the midst of my second round of counting my breaths when a sudden knock interrupts me. Before I can even react, the door swings open and a pretty girl stands before me, looking surprised. It's clear she had assumed I was still asleep.

"Omg, Hi! Sorry if I woke you up, I'm Josephine, but you can call me Jojo," she says, her voice so friendly.

"Where am I?" I ask, skipping the formalities, still a bit drowsy. 

"This is called... the club house." she replies and my eyes widen in realization.

 "You mean the Legends' club house?" 

She nods simply, smiling empathetically. 

"I am the President's cousin and The Vice President's Old Lady, Jojo. It is nice to meet you." she continues.

"You, too. I am Nari but you probably already know that. I am sorry but aren't you a bit young to be an Old Lady?" 

 She laughs loudly, giving me a genuine smile once again. "It's just a title. It means we belong to each other, a sort of an unbreakable bond respected by everyone in the MC," she explains pausing for a bit but then turns to me again,  "Last night, I changed your clothes. When Chico brought you here, you were still unconscious and our Doc advised letting you rest. You have no injuries besides a few bruises, but your home is a mess. TL said you can stay here for a few days, just until it's safe for you to go back."

Her last sentence makes me arch my brow and the danger of the situation hits me.

"Does your President know who tried to harm me?"

"Nothing is confirmed yet. TL wants to have a conversation with you later today. He'll be here soon. In the meantime, we should really get you something to eat. You are lucky cause Tristan is here today and the dude makes a meannn breakfast. There are some clothes in the closet. You could change into them and come meet me down stairs? Or I could bring you breakfast here. Spending time with the Riders isn't everyone's cup of tea."

"I'll get changed and meet you down stairs." I agree and she nods leaving me all alone in this huge room. 

I get up to get to the closet and feel my legs hurt as if I was working in construction all day. 

As I hesitantly face my reflection in the mirror, the jeans I've just squeezed into make me cringe. Being the professional that I am, this isn't how I would want for the members of this MC to see me even though they probably wouldn't give me a second look. Or even if they did, they would be on their best behavior since the fate of their friend is in my hands.

CHICO the fool -Legends of New York #2 (MC)Where stories live. Discover now