Chapter 7

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"-It is both terrifying and exciting.

-Then you should definitely pursue it." 


Being someone's shadow isn't fun. Even when the targer is a cute little Asian chick with a killer body.

The constant need to stay hidden, to suppress yourself, to just exist as a body whose sole purpose is to protect another, isn't fun. I crave the freedom of being out in the open, being just me, living life on my own terms. 

The job had to be done though and I was good at making sure the job was done.

TL wasn't happy with the news about Ms. Nari's new bodyguard since having the police around always complicated things. It fucked things up for us, always.

We had to be twice as careful now not only around the enemy but around the protector of the person we were protecting. How fucked up was that?

TL's irritation was evident as he paced back and forth, muttering under his breath.

"Get it done, no matter what," he said to both Davidson and me, "I need you around her but hidden for the most part. Chico should be the only one stepping forward for the time being. Chico saved her, she owes him, seeing him around will give her a sense of safety and she might drop her guard a bit. We need to have her sympathize with us. She needs to be on our team."

"From what I read on her file, she's the type that doesn't get bribed. She has always given the children to the mother in similar cases. I feel like she is already on our side." Davidson points out and I agree.

From what I could tell, this girl lived to work. She seemed rational too. Ain't no way she would choose Ruditsky as a fit father.

TL wasn't done. "Chico, you will be also guarding Vivian and the kid every time that damn Social Worker comes near them. If she wants to meet them, you'll be there. I need her to have only you as a reference to the MC. You need to look clean-cut. Maybe your stupid innocent face can play a helpful part in this."

"Hey my face isn't stupid. It's HANDSOME. HAND-SOME!" I argue in my usual playful tone but TL isn't having it.

"Focus," he says, voice flat, before walking out of the room, just like he always does.

Davidson shot me a look as he stood up, his tall, lean frame moving towards the door, "Back to tracking her every move, I guess. I ain't complaining thought. Have you seen her in one of those tight skirts with the button-up blouses? Man, it's worth every sleepless night."

He gave me a half-grin, as if he expected me to agree but I just gave him a death stare. "The job's complicated enough without you turning this into a damn sideshow. This is Vivian's future we are talking about."

At the mention of Vivian's name, his grin drops a bit. "Alright, alright, I'm just saying. The Social Worker got potential."

I rolled my eyes but did not respond to his last comment. I couldn't disagree with it either. The girl was fine as hell. I was just a bit pissed other people were noticing.

Following my President's orders, I was in a Social Workers' office just a few days later.

Vivian was called out by crazy hospital girl to her office in order to have a civil conversation with both Ruditsky and herself about the whole situation.I obviously couldn't be present during it. Nari's little police bodyguard stayed inside with them though. Talk about double standards. The dude looked like a kid. Bet our Prospects could do a better job at protecting Nari than this minor.

CHICO the fool -Legends of New York #2 (MC)Where stories live. Discover now