Chapter 6

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"We try to hide our feelings but we forget that our eyes can speak. "


"I should have expected that this would be your answer. This is a serious matter, Nari. You are a Social Worker but at the end of the day, this is just your job. You have so much potential and I want to see you achieve everything you are capable of achieving. And that would require you staying ALIVE and well. So, I want you to think about it, really think about it before you answer me."

I breathe slowly, trying not to rush my answer. My boss is right, of course this is not a simple matter. Mrs. Richards is such a sensible person and she always puts our safety first. It is an honor to be working with her and I know she has my best interest in mind but, deep down, I am still the same little immigrant girl, Nari. The one who had vowed to fight against injustice. Being a Social Worker was the only way I knew how to fulfill that promise.

Getting almost kidnapped or worse killed definitely scared me but it also made me furious.  I refuse to live in a world where those in power use Public Workers like me for their own agendas.

"I've thought long and hard about this, Mrs. Richards," I begin, my voice steady, "The night everything went down, I got lucky. Very lucky. I was scared and shaken and I think about it every day since.  However, letting this case go would feel like I am letting the wrong people win and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I quit now. With that being said, I would really appreciate it if I could continue being on this case and see it through."

She gives me a long stare from head to toe scaring me a bit but then a small smile appears on her lips which puts me at ease.

"Wish I were surprised by that answer, but I am not. Anyhow, this is your choice and I respect it. Nonetheless, there is no need for you to have a MC member as a bodyguard when we have perfectly capable Police officers in our city and we want to avoid any misconception. So, starting tomorrow, I am assigning a police officer to accompany you everywhere you have to go in order to finish your evaluation on this case. And this is non-negotiable."

"Wait wait wait...You're giving me a babysitter?" I couldn't help but ask since she knows I work better on my own.

"I'm giving you protection," she states firmly. "It's either this or you're off the case."Her responce is clear and I knew there was no room for discussion.

"Ok. Can it atleast be someone trained in social matters?" 

"This is New York, girl. You're lucky I found someone with a degree. Most candidates were there just due to their muscles. Stop protesting and enjoy the safety and the eye-candy while it is given to you. He will be here soon to meet you. Now go back to your office, I have other things to do."

"Yes, mam. " I say defeated as I salute her and take my papers back to my office. 

I have been staring at my PC screen for quite some time now. I have read the pages and reports gathered for this case so many times that I almost know them by heart. The names and the people feel familiar although one particular sounds and seems condescending. 


 Even his name is giving me the creeps. I am calling him first thing in the morning to schedule a meeting. I seriously need to see this man in flesh. I have postponed our first encounter but It's highly time to see what he is all about especially after the little incident  in my apartment that had me almost killed. 

This, however, will have to wait. I can't endure meeting my new "coworker" without a cup of coffee first. God knows what he will be like. Having a police officer follow me around is bad enough but having a MAN police officer follow me is even worse.  

CHICO the fool -Legends of New York #2 (MC)Where stories live. Discover now