Chapter 2

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"People who are easily shocked should be shocked more often."


"I am telling you this girl outside the hospital? Crazyyy. Disrespecting me like that in the middle of the road! And Space over here did not even manage to catch up with her. I am telling you she ran like Usain Bolt. Why the fuck did you not stop her? I have a crutch but you are as healthy as a goat." I accuse Space as all the Legends sit in The Meeting at 'Placebo', waiting for our President.

This Meeting was called so unexpectedly that Space literally drove like a maniac to get us here from the hospital on time. And TL had the audacity to be late.

"You try catching your fat ass that fell on me after she pushed you and then run after the girl. Plus she looked like she was struggling and was in a hurry by the way she apologized to you like 5 times. You wanted to play and she was trying to reach her family. You were horrible." Space responds pointing at me with his serious tone and I try to figure out if he reallyyy means his words.

"She was hot, though. I just wanted to roughen her up so I can get her number. A bit more bickering and she would be begging me to take her out or .... take her in if you know what I mean."

"She didn't look like the type to be begging anyone for anything." Space replies again and I realize the nerd is trying to get on my nerves.

"Oh, so Chico got rejected by a grown ass woman that isn't a Pussycat? What else is new." Sinner says with a smirk as the rest of the Legends laugh making me roll my eyes at them.

"HA-HA. You all know that even with this crutch, even with me unable to walk I still get more hoes then all of you combined. " I retort confidently, but my brothers continue to find amusement in the situation.

"I am not interested in any hoes, boy. I am happily wifed up." Sinner states proudly, winking at me as I cringe. How in the world is HE the first one from this new generation of Legends who found his Old Lady is still beyond me. The dude was my role model with the way he had hoes in different area codes and now he was all smiley and lovey-dovey with our President's cousin, Jo-jo.

Before anyone says anything else to throw me off, TL finally arrives and takes his sit at the top of the table with a serious expression. He sits down, his frown making the vein in his forehead pop out and I can tell there are no good news to be shared tonight. Shit was bad.

"You all look like you guys are enjoying yourselves. There are a lot of smiles in front of me although we still have no idea where Psycho or the few other Rogue members that got away are. The 'Placebo' just got renovated so we lost a lot of money and credibility. The memory of Alyssa's shooting still lingers and people are scared to step their foot in the pub. We caught the mother fucker that shot her and he slid his own throat, not giving us any information. And if that wasn't enough... We've got another, new problem now." 

TL pauses, a worried expression crossing his face as he places a thumb on his forehead.

My President is a menace and this is the first time I see him looking....disturbed? Even when Alyssa was in the hospital and we had no idea whether she was gonna make it he still kept his cool around us. Whatever it is that is coming our way must be a real threat.

"Vivian's ex is back. He is trying to take her kid away from her saying she is an unfit mother, saying she doesn't just serve at Placebo and other shit like that... She was crying like crazy last night, she told Alyssa and Alyssa shared the news with me. There is this Public Worker that will come visit the pub at some point and we all need to be on our best behavior as we are under surveillance. This woman is going to be watching Vivian in her work place. Space, I need you to find everything about her. It won't be easy, she is a government employee and her information is well protected.If she finds anything concerning here, it could result in Vivian losing her son. And there is no way I am gonna let that happen." Our President explains and we all look around the room.  

CHICO the fool -Legends of New York #2 (MC)Where stories live. Discover now