To any potential readers, this document serves as a collection of several interconnected stories throughout the ages, set on a distant planet. The world is similar to ours, with many human-like people and somewhat familiar animals, and the first story starts in the twilight of their colonial age.
Written for M.G, M.B, M.B, M.B, M.B, M.B, D.B, B.T, L.M, and K.E
Also written for the memory of D.B and C.B
Thank you all for being there for me, inspiring me, listening to my rambling, and all the rest you all do.
Chronicles 1: Revenge
Science FictionThe first of a collection of 10 stories throughout time on a distant world where humanity fled to after Earth became uninhabitable. The first story's rough draft is finished, though subject to change. The second story is being written, and a sneak p...