eye of the storm [01]

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it was a day like many others, the weekly reset was today, so you had to spend your time doing simulated universe and farming character's boss materials

you wet to fight phantyila, grabbing your friend's support, but the fight was off, music wasn't playing, your characters wouldn't say their battle lines, and you could only hear the eerie laugh of aha's in the background

you considered turning the volume down, but were ultimately too lazy, it's just some glitch, doesn't matter, you need your materials!

until the screen went black, seriously? did you just crash? how annoying...you tried pressing the on button on your device, but nothing happened

you still heard aha's laughter im the background, so you turned the volume down, feeling creeped out,but no matter how much you pressed, it didn't go away

you sighed and took your headset off...but then aha's laugh grew louder, it wasn't coming from your headphones anymore

now you were creeped out, you sat up from your chair and turned around, but something felt...off

it was like someone was watching you, someone who wasn't supposed to be there, you were all alone this time, and you felt the hairs on your body stand

you gulped and decided being brave was not a good idea, and started walking away, but the noise of footsteps behind you made you freeze

oh, you were about to get murdered, for sure

you made a run cor your bedroom, trying to ignore the loud footsteps behind you, you slammed the door and locked it, panting, your heart racing like hell

you turned around as the footsteps stop, only for the air to leave your lungs as you make contact with a familiar, large dark skinned figure, your vision darkened, and you were sucked into a void of some sort

when you opened your eyes again, it looked like you were in a hotel, the hotel looked... animated, you went to rub your eyes, only to realize your hand was animated too

you don't remember anything, what just happened? you felt like you were being chased and then...you fell asleep?

you stood up, only now realizing you were in a large tub, this seemed familiar but your brain couldn't pinpoint where

there was a knock on the door, your head snapped up and you felt your heartbeat grow, you slowly stepped over, opening the door

there was a woman, her purple hair flowing down her back, she crossed her arms and looked you up and down

"you're finally here" her voice sounded off, like it was multiple people speaking, your head started to throb

you stayed silent, having no clue what to say, she walked closer to you, you felt like you couldn't breathe

"let me ask you something" her voice echoed throughout the room "do you remember me?"

remember...you could feel your brain throbbing against your skull, this seems so...oddly familiar, who was this...?

"I'm..." your voice came out weakly and she stopped you, her voice sounding normal again

"do not speak, your body is still weak after what happened" after... what? what happened? you can't remember

"...do not worry about it, you'll remember soon enough" she walked closer and put her hand on your chest,her face started morphing, like it was multiple people in one

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