a moment of peace [02]

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if anyone on the asia server wants to be friends on this no warping account then I'm 830674670 :3 if you're on american server then you can ask for my id in the comments too!

"asta, we're back!" march said as we approached her, she turns around and smiled slightly at the group

"I'm glad you guys are okay! arlan already informed me about what's happening, and about the injuries" asta looked down as she thought about the situation again "in times of disaster, i realize more that the space stations researchers are at it's most valuable assets..."

asta was feeling worried, you knew that, she was saddened that she couldnt keep the situation in control "alas we were not prepared for such an emergency, we should have built our security and combat departments better, but you guys on the other hand are very skilled!"

"what's the current situation?" danheng asked, you were next to him as your crossed your arms, looking around the place, it was quite nice when you weren't being chased

"it's under control for now, the damage to our security system was minor, they only altered a small amount of data, although..."

"although...?" danheng waited for her to speak

"there was a moment where i felt like there was someone, but they weren't looking at me, i could just...feel a presence, it was weird" asta crossed her arms and sighed

someone was there? that wasn't in the game dialogue, right? was your presence really altering the story? you did have all those moments...who was in that dream again?

"i sure hope this place isn't haunted..." march shivered "i don't think I'll ever come back if i see a ghost!"

"back to the main point, the real problem here are with the researchers, they trust madam herta wholeheartedly and never thought the legion would come here, a broken spirit is much worse than a broken body"

"we'll go speak with them" himeko offered "the space station can't afford anymore unexpected and turns, especially from within"

stelle had already began walking away, so you decided to aswell, march and danheng even went to their own, you didn't feel like interacting with a "npc" right now, so you opted to walk around instead

you stopped near the door of herta's office, wondering about the things you've experienced so far, it hasn't even been a hour and you're already gonna get ptsd from this place

you heard laughter again, you sighed and tuned it out, probably just a random person right? you turned around and the whole space station was empty

"oh, for god's sake..." you groaned, just for a second could everything be normal? you pressed the button to open the door to herta's office

you slowly walked in, taking in the surroundings, you've bee here a million times, but it felt nice to be there in reality, you walked closer to where the simulated universe was

there was a button just sitting there, would ot really send you into there? well ...this part isn't real, so what could happen? so you pressed it

you shut your eyes as a wave of nausea hit you, holding your head in your hand, the throbbing from before came back, it felt ten times worse

you opened your eyes to see a tavern, there were alot of people, but every person had a mask, except you

you stepped forward amd the floorboard's creaked, making everyone turn to look at you

their faces were completely covered, making the situation even creepier, you froze in your steps as you stared around, until someone began walking to you

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