snow plains [03]

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ok so I'm already at penacony rn on the account i made, i wrote down important information and will be looking at video guides to continue writing accurately 🙏🙏and got guinaifen but no lightcone for her so rip

gonna try to upload twice a week

"to be honest, i think I'd be kind of annoyed if i found out this was my homeworld, it looks freezing...pretty girls aren't frost resistant!"

you and danheng walked up to stelle and march, and she turned to look at the two of you while smiling

"what..?" danheng looked at her

"I'm thinking about how much fun we're gonna have here, hehe!" march giggled and you smiled at her

"i feel sorry for this world, first the stellaron, and now you" danheng couldnt resist to poke fun at his friend

"ha ha" march said monotone "alright! here comes tue jarilo-VI trailblaze team!"

as soon as you stepped out you realized you were not wearing an appropriate outfit for the weather, but despite the frost and snow, it felt a little warmer than usual

"brrr, it really is one giant snowball"

"it really is one giant snowball"

"hey! be original!" march sighed "it's just snow for as as far as i can see, which direction should we take?"

"the coordinates indicate the target is up ahead" danheng answered her, you felt yourself growing a little bit colder as time went on, hopefully if you're just active your body will heat you naturally...

"then what are we waiting for? let's go!"

"I didn't know we'd be hiking..."

"me neither, if only we had a snow mobile, we never get to bring anything cool from the express!" march complained

"do you remember what you do to our last snow mobile?"

"wait, so what did march do to the last one?" you asked, you always wondered what she could have done to a thing like that...

"she-" "anyways! moving on" march interrupted him, placing her hands on her hips "we're all tough, we can handle this!"

"we don't really know what'll happen though" you said knowing exactly what's going to happen

"well yeah but still! i mean come on, stelle has a stellaron inside her, i have my special six phased ice powers, you mumble weird languages and space out, then danheng's got that...uhh, mysterious past thing going for him"

"wait, i do what?" you crossed your arms, no one said you were ever mumbling in other languages?

"don't you remember?" march shrugged "you were going a little..." she made a gesture to her head "back in the space station, are you sure you wanna come with us?"

"i don't remember any of that..."

"im getting worried about you..." danheng moved closer to you "if you want to stay at the express this time, we'll be fine alone here" you shook your head quickly

"I'm coming too, I'm not leaving you guys, i want to help" danheng sighed but knew he wouldn't be able to stop you

"that's the spirit of trailblazing!" march smiled and linked your arms together "come on then, the world's not gonna fix itself!"

the four of you walked through the snow plains, taking a moment to take in the surroundings, somehow it felt like that "trailblaze warmth" wasn't working for you, it was so cold, you even wore longer pantz than stelle and somehow she wasn't freezing

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