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Hi, I'm BACK TO POST also this chapter had an abusive dad and inko and denkis mom, and yea theirs a lot of mention of death or suicide, and yea um there are also bad words in it oh and villain deku and villain denki so yea now enjoy


"w-what n-no I didn't I mean *mumbles* Yes I did i mean why were you jumping so much and that last time when I didn't was cause I was trying to get kacchan to stop beating Nicholes and Joe? I think up but I didn't think someone would push him and omg it was Ruby Kevin and ayoma i have to teach those B(;)tches a lesson cause they hurt MY Denki- I mean my friend"



"BUT THEY HURT YOU!" shouted Izuku "im fine I swear I just- um am hurt?" izuku shot me a confused glare "You know that makes no sense whatsoever" and before I could answer izu the teacher slapped his ruler on my desk wish made me flinch and yelled and said "PAY ATTENTION YOU MISBEHAVING BRATS!" Izuku, being the person he was now, got up from his seat and said "no!" I got scared cause izuku and the teacher looked like they were gonna fight but before i could move the principle walked told me and izuku to get up and go to her office that "Your parents are here to pick you up izuku please walk with me to the lunch room before we go i have to talk to you about something" So me and izuku stood up i grabbed my stuff gave izuku one of those help me please looks and then left the room when i got to the office i saw inko and my mom and dad, my dad said sit down now that i don't know why i was called here and i didnt care if he missed his work cause i mean did he ever care for me and HOW I BROKE MY FLIPPEN ARM no so why would i care about him and his job then izuku walked in with RUBY and she had a black eye then kevin walked in and he was limping and ayoma had a cast like me inko looked at izuku and told him to sit down in a stern but "nice" voice, mrs spatula sat in her chair looked at izuku and at me then at are parents and then she told them that apparently me and izuku had been bulling ruby, kevin and ayoma and out of protest i got up and tried saying that, that was a lie but my dad got mad and told me to go to a different room with him or" sit the h💛ll down and ofc the principal being the strict person she was said " This is how i treat my kids everyday and their perfect" then inko got up and said which one did the bullying and who did this ruby looked at izuku and said "him he did this" inko looked at izuku and said lets go looked at the principal and exclaimed as if she was gonna bring him to mc donals or smth and said 'well be right back" and thats it they left.

And the worst part was that no matter what science I kept blocking the sound of my mom and dad and Mrs. Spatula I could hear izuku begging and crying and telling his mom to stop that next time he wouldn't do it and I would get terrified every time it stopped cause I thought he was dead or that he passed out. At some point izuku cam back with a ton of bruises and one mark on his arm that said "bad child" izuku sat down with tears in his eyes and he looked traumatized so I got a little closer just then inko looked at ruby again and said "and was it denki that did the bullying" I looked at ruby with pleading eyes but no the a(;)ole she was looked at my mom and dad and inko and said "yes" the same thing inko did to izuku they did to me they took me out and once we got to a locked room my dad grabbed something (it's dark he can't see) and hit me with it, soon after my mom hit me too all of the feelings at the same time hurt sooo bad and before I knew it my quirk went off I startered screaming and crying and my quirk wasent helping cause it felt like it was electracuting my insides and i sat on the floor not knowing what to do all i could here was my dad saying "your a disgusting monster" or my mom saying "you were a mistake i wish i never had you" all i could do was sit their in pain and i knew i looked really bad because when i entered the room izuku gasped and almost screamed "well thats surly not how they cam back but anyway bring them hone their-" me and izuku looked at eachother we knew what she was gonna say so we knew another beating was gonna be given to us so we looked and started to cross are fingers and hope she didnt say suspended but no she said it "suspended" once we left science me and izuku live 3 house apart and my dad had alot to give and say to izuku (hurt him not good things) me and izuku went with my dad to my house, while my mom and inko went to izuku's house to have a "girls day" when we got their my dad sat down on the couch told us to go up stair gave izuku a outfit that was my moms and told him to make dinner and that wasnt sus in anyyyyyyway when i got up stairs i saw mika and mina my pinky friend and my sister mika looked at me and said "Omg i got out of school came here and your mom and were gonna leave your sister here alone and i said ill stay with her and then they hit her cause she got too excited then they left and it was so bad i dont think your parents are good denki please leave them" when she said that i pushed them in my room grabbed clothes, started the shower ,changed, wet m hair to make it looked like i showered, and started to explain what happened.After I explained Mina finally understood that one time why I had freaked out when Bakugou Kiri and izuku started fighting and izuku said "CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP YOU BOTH ARE IDIOTS NOW GO!" She looked at me and Mika and said "I'm so sorry for what happened to you guys." Then Mina got up and was about to walk out but she said she heard a scream so I walked downstairs and saw izuku bleeding i tried to check on him but my dad dragged me away and started yelling about what was happening with him was none of my business and to go back upstair and i knew that what my dad says goes back i had to do it so i acted like i was going to then made a run for it to izuku and he did not look ok he had a eye that looke like someone clawed it out or something but no it was just bleeding and he had blood coming out of his forehead and he was holding back tears there was glass all over the floor and he has shards of glass in his hands "denki im so sorry i didnt mean for this to happen and i sorry f-for this" said izuku before he pushed me onto the floor were i fell on my arm and it broke again i screamed in pain but izuku didnt help me or anything he stood their watching until my dad said "now pick up the knife and kill denki then yourself" I didnt expect him to do it but he picked it up looked at it then i at me and said sorry again thats when i realized my dad was using his quirk and i screamed minas name i told her to get mika and when i was done i felt the knife touch my skin and i started to blackout then i saw izuku blink like 10 times and look at me and the knife that was in my cheast and looked at my dad and started chasing him when he started chasing him i heard izu scream "YOU B(:D)D I SWEAR IM GONNA KILL YOU!" little did my dad know izu was leading him right to Aizawa-sensei when they got to him Izu explained everything while the cops took him away the next thing i know Mika was healing me and when i got healed i asked where izu was she said he was with Aizawa-Sensei which i also had to say thanks to mina for bringing mika downstairs and for not killing the dude after learnin what izuku did.(time skip to when they get in UA) Sometimes I wish that what happened would have never happened but I learned from it I have a lot of traumas now and i'm not allowed out of Mr. Aizawa's sight unless im in my dorm or in the shower or in clasee view and izuku is not allowed in UA cause the scientists have to make sure that there are no signs of my dad quirk in his blood or body and now i only have the bakusquad and the dekusquad cause everyone else thinks im the one that was in the wrong "HEY DENKI" i heard someone yell and when i looked back i saw Ruby and she grabbed me and dragged me to ayoma and kevin who were holding me above the balcony and when ruby got in position he dropped me the same thing happened she didnt catch me correctly making my arm worse this happened 5 more times before she decided to catch my other arm/hand that wasent broken and she didnt do it perfect 4 times each time i heard a small crack and the forth time i felt my arm disloacate and i started yelling really hard but they didnt care so she gave me to ayoma and ayoma threw me extra hard and ruby barley catched and thats when i heard it the crack that all 3 of them heard ruby was wide eyed and put me down on the balcony but it hurt so bad o when she put me down i started to scream so loud that aizawa who was 15 minutes away heard it and ran to my dorm but when he got their ruby ayoma and kevin were already gone and i had already passed out. I remember waking up in the hospital and izuku next to me when I woke up he kissed me on my cheek and said I'll be right back told the doctor I was awake then left to "deal" with this when Izu left I heard a bit of screaming (the window was open) from a distance and hoped it wasn't Izu but when he came back he had blood on his hands ''izu what did you do!?" He looked at me and said "Oh I just had to DEAL with you dad thats all!" he looked kind of scary "ok then!" i fell asleep when i wake up i see izuku sleeping and i couldn't help myself so i asked what happen t my dad to mr aizawa cause he was on the tv and he said that some new "Masked" villain killed him and i felt like he knew who did it cause he ALSO had blood on his hand so i asked "d-did you h-help him" Aizawa used his sarcastic voice cause the doctor came in "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ofcccc i didn't helllp the guy" he said then he winked at me which told me "im lying" then izuku woke up cause katsuki was calling him he it on speaker and katsuki said "i don't know where to hide the body" izuku panicked and took it off of speaker and left the room.The doctor looked wide-eyed at izuku when he came back and izuku looked at her and yelped and says " he meant the body of a doll"" then the doctor believed it and said "ok!" a few hours later I was discharged from the hospital and izuku kept avoiding me saying stuff like "oh i promised kachan this or "i need to go sorry tell me later" it was soooo annoying but i did stick up for myself i pushed kevin-kyle no kevin out of my room and dragged him into his own room, I told ruby to F(:D)k off and what i did to ayoma was my fav but i did have help from mina cause she said "i've done this before" but i made him go through everything he made me go through except breaking his arm cause I fell of a balcony i didn't do that.........izuku did. But on the bright side, I didn't get in trouble for it so yea, me and izuku are still dating AND kirishima finally asked Mina out Bakubro finally asked Todoroki out AND Sero asked Ilda out but all that "happiness" didn't last for a long time it only lasted 3 months but then izuku went to on a mission science now were heroes and almost died so we're gonna talk when he gets back- "I'M HOME DENKI" I heard izuku yell, and I was sitting on the couch when I told him to sit down and he did, that's when I said "why didn't you tell me it was dangerous" izuku looked at me and said "cause if I would have you would have stopped me" and I couldn't help but scream at him " SO, WHAT THE H(:)LL IZUKU" he flinched and yelled back at me "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME GODDANGIT SOMETIMES I WISH WE NEVER EVEN KNEW EACH OTHER" ............what happened to us was we drifted apart and because of that we made are friends break up todroki was on my side but bakugou was on Izuku's side so they also drifted away sero and Ilda didnt care but then Sero felt bad for me, and Sero and Ilda had a fight they havent talked in a year... mina and kirishima kiri was on izukus side and mina said im not picking sides so they arent together I feel like saying sorry but I cant, ive only said sorry once and it was to my sister and its cause she had trama like me and I yelled at her so it's not easy for me to apolagise when ive only done it once in my life "denki denki DENKI" said someone I looked to the side and I saw mina "denki umm im sorry for this but izuko umm" she started to cry which made me know it was bad news but I needed to know so I helped her and then she said it the thing that broke my heart in 10,000 feelings of peace "izuku has been doing selfharm and ki11ed himself because he felt bad for what he did to you 2 years ago....." I looked at her hoping she was joking "No y-your joking izuku like my ex BF izuku the one that ran after my dad trying to kill him and did kill him for me the one that broke someone's arm for me You're lying" I had tears in my eyes and mina looked at me looked at her phone and showed me a picture of him sleeping in a hospital bed with bruises and a mark on his neck that showed he probably sliced his neck or hung himself "no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no" I was having a panic attack and the last thing I remember before I passed out was katsuki saying "Pikachu calm down" in a comforting voice. When I woke up I saw katsuki which was surprising I had expected him to think I wasn't worth staying there then I realized IM AT THE HOSPITAL WERE IZUKU WAS so O started to yell saying bring me to izuku or I WANT TO SEE IZUKU and at some point, the doctor came in and said that "You can't see izuku, Were sorry but it's not our choice" and I was so wrapped up in a bad feeling of guilt that I ran out of there to go to izuku myself and I heard katsuki chuckle the second I ran to the door "GET THAT PATIENT" I heard one of the doctors say and all the nurses started chasing me then I got to izukus room and when I opened I saw mina crying or the floor, Kirishima looking depressed while trying to stop mina from crying, while trying not to cry himself I wanted to know what was going on so I asked kiri and he looked at me and scoffed "Why do you care you stupid blonde" he said then i saw izuku he looked horrible and i had tears in my eyes then kiriashima pushed me on the floor and started yelling at me to leave and at some point he kicked me right on my stomach which hurt soooo bad so i just sat there trying not to cry i wanted mina to help but k had gotten her to sleep . "STOP IT" I didn't see who said that but I remember kiri looking back and getting knocked out by someone then someone picking me up kissing my forehead and putting me to sleep with the Pokemon theme song                

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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