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Travis woke with a start. He was in his room, everything as it was. Like nothing had happened.

He groaned, face palming. Had it all been a dream? Had he just imagined the greatest thing that could have possibly ever happened to him? That wasn't fair!

"Damn it," he muttered, unable to stop the tear trickling down his face. He wanted to scream out, bang his hands against the wall. But he'd still be a powerless nobody except with a hoarse throat and sore hands. Might as well get back to it then and get ready for a new day of mediocrity.

"Hey, loser!" his brother suddenly said through the door. "Mom's making pancakes and if you want your stomach to stay like that, you better come get some." He walked off with a laugh.

Travis sighed, wondering if it was possible to put yourself up for adoption. "Well, no point prolonging," he said. Besides, he did want pancakes. He stood up and took a single step.

Energy surged through him and he slammed into his door. He backed up real quick and looked at his arms, seeing flashes of electricity sparking all over his skin. He stared at where he'd just been and to where he was now. He had moved here in an instant, moving faster than he ever had.

Than anyone ever had.

His eyes landed on his comic collection, specifically the Flash ones. His favorite DC hero.


Franklin blinked the drowsiness away. The second he did, the previous night's events came rushing back to him and he was suddenly out of bed looking down at the railing, hoping that it had all been some sort of crazy dream. But nope, it wasn't. The railing was still broken. He gaped at it. How? How was this possible? Sure, he was strong but not that strong. That was insane.

"Must have been cracked, falling off already," he told himself the same thing he'd said last night. It was the only logical explanation. Still, his mom was definitely not going to like it. Maybe if he glued it or something, he could fake it. Yeah, that could work for now.

A sort-of plan in mind, Franklin moved to put the railing back in place when his door flew open.

"Yo, Franklin, do you have-" Angie started before she saw him and the railing. "What the-?"

"YAH!" Franklin cried out, instantly leaping back. Unfortunately, he went too far and hit the door to his closet which cracked and gave way, causing them both to fall. Franklin winced for an impact that never really came, just a slight thud on his back and the sharp sound of something cracking apart. He slowly turned and his eyes shot open wide as he saw the state of his door, now in four separate pieces. "Oh shizznit," he muttered. "Mom's definitely going to kill me."

He then remembered the reason he broke the door in the first place and turned to see Angie still in the doorway, gaping at him. "Would you believe me if I said it's not what it looks like?" he asked.

The first thing Madison did when she woke up was check over her entire body for anything strange and unusual. So far, she was good except for a red mark that hadn't been there the previous night. Probably (hopefully) a mosquito bite or something.

Did that mean that it had all been some sort of crazy dream or weird hallucination? She didn't really want to know. All that mattered was that things seemed to have gone back to normal now. She breathed out in relief, her heart still pounding a little.

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