Real Life Supervillain

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Madison honestly had no idea how much worse her day could get. From turning invisible in front of her family to running around town and school the same way. Then, when she finally, finally, seemed to have some sort of control over it, a bunch of thugs burst into the warehouse with guns. Fortunately, her need to hide kicked in and activated her invisibility. Now she just had to keep it up.

Thing was, she had no idea how she was doing it in the first place.

"Whoa, what the hell happened here?" one of the thugs asked, looking down at the crater Franklin had made.

"Probably some stupid kids playing with firecrackers or something."

The first thug gave him a look. "The hell kind of firecrackers you playing around with? That looks more like a legit bomb went off. And there's a lot of new cracks and holes in this place too."

Madison's eyes widened. They couldn't possibly

"An earthquake then."

"Maybe," the thug said, looking around. "I don't know."

"Who cares? Just load those crates up over there and get ready for when he arrives."

The thugs went to do just that while Madison remained frozen where she was. She kept expecting them to suddenly look over at her and then pull out their guns and shoot. But it never did. They just kept moving around, bringing in some large crates and setting them up.

Even so, Madison's blood remained ice cold. It was only when a thug got too close that she let out a small gasp and quickly backed away into the corner. She'd thought she'd given herself away with her quick and, to her ears, loud exit but the thug had only blinked a little before continuing on.

Not that much comfort though as she was still trapped with all of them.

"So when's this guy supposed to get here?" one thug asked.

"Soon," another replied. Madison had to assume he was the leader as he stood in the center of the room and the others seemed to defer to him.

"What's in those crates anyway?" the first thug asked.

"A bunch of materials and shit. He just needs it for some experiment or something, I don't know. I didn't pay attention. Point is, he was willing to deliver a bunch of our goods free of charge in exchange, so..." the thug shrugged.

"Huh. Weird."

Madison didn't know what to make of any of this and she didn't care. She just wanted to get the hell out of here. She was currently hunched in the corner of the room, trying to sink into the walls. She should have just left behind her damn phone. Now, not only had it gotten her trapped in here, she still didn't know where it was. If she had it, maybe she would be able to call for help or even just text. But, the only option she had was to escape.

Which was impossible as they had closed the door.

She could always open it again but it opening to some invisible force would probably just freak them out and she really did not like the look of those guns. She could only just wait next to it, wait for one of them to open it, and escape that way.

Now she just had to get over there without making a sound or bumping into anyone. Sounded easy enough. So then why were her legs trembling so much?

She managed to make it a few steps before one of the thugs nearby suddenly stretched, startling so much that she dashed back into the corner.

Come on, Madison, she berated herself. She had to move. As much as she wanted, she couldn't stay in the corner. She didn't know when her powers might give out and there was no place to hide. This was her only option.

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