School Attack, Part 3

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 After their talk with Gabriela, and their long stressful day to begin with, Sumin had wanted nothing more than to just go home and rest. They had thought about asking some friends to hang out as while they did enjoy their personal time, given everything that had happened recently they thought perhaps some company would be best. But Madison was sick, Travis wasn't here, and Eustace had left quickly, claiming he had something urgent to take care of. So personal time it was and they would make the most of it. They didn't start working until tomorrow anyway so they wanted to enjoy this one day off.

Of course, they were denied that opportunity.

"Sumin hey! Glad I caught up with you."

Sumin didn't roll their eyes very often, finding it to be a useless habit that accomplished nothing. But on this occasion, they decided it may have some merit as they turned to face Dredden. "Not now, Dredden," they told him.

"Why does everyone always sat that to me? Don't they know how busy I am to make time for them? They should be grateful."

Sumin had to resist rolling their eyes again.

"Anyway, I just wanted to check in with you on the debate club. I know you've dropped it for personal reasons. And while I do express my disappointment in that, I understand that at times it can't be helped. Whatever the case, I want your help in choosing your replacement."

"Gabriela is the captain, ask her."

"Yes, well...Sumin, you are perhaps my only true intellectual rival here."

Sumin simply nodded in response. Dredden had mentioned it to them on multiple occasions.

"Don't get me wrong, Fuentes is very smart, but she lets foolish hobbies and extracurricular activities stop her from reaching true success. You, on the other hand, balance everything accordingly. It's something I admire."

"How thrilling," Sumin said dryly.

"Yes, well, my point is the last few days, Fuentes has, to say the least. And, well, I've always had faith in her as a teammate and even as a captain at times. But I think the pressure might be too much for her. She's off her game. Which is why I've come to you. If anyone knows who should replace them for their spot on the teams, it should be-"

He didn't get to finish that sentence as there was a slight thrumming sound before one of the classrooms near them seemed to explode.

"What the hell?" Dredden shrieked and he wasn't the only one, all the students and teachers screaming and running for cover. Alarms began to blare out loudly. Sumin ducked down, eyes wide, trying to take stock of the situation. Smoke was pillowing out from the classroom and the door had been blown off. They slowly made their way, trying to see inside. But before they could get a look, there was another explosion coming from below them and then a third from above.

"Everyone out, now!" a teacher ordered, gesturing towards the stairs. "Be as quick and as organized as possible. No pushing!"

"Out of my way!" Dredden shrieked, shoving his way to the stairs.

"I said no pushing!"

Sumin followed the crowd, trying to stay calm. Still, they couldn't forget what Travis had told them. About the attackers the previous night and the power the masked man wielded. Was it too much of a coincidence to believe that he would show up here now? Possibly. But something was happening. And Sumin wasn't much of a believer in coincidences.

As they reached the stairwell, they glanced back to the destroyed classroom and frowned. There did seem to be something in the smoke. Some sort of dark shape but it was too hard to make out. Perhaps the one responsible for this.

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