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Luke did one last stretch before heading out onto the pitch. He hadn't felt this nervous since his first ever football game back when he was 8. Now he was like a bundle of nerves, cold sweat inching its way down his neck.

He had managed to sneak in some extra time to train his new...abilities? But honestly he didn't know how much progress he'd made. He seemed to be able to control it. It really came easily to him. Telekinesis, it seemed. He could just see what he wanted to move and it did, like his mind was just reaching outside his body to lift it up.

But this morning, he'd sent a whole swarm of balls on top of him, one of them giving him a pretty bad bruise. He was lucky Kim had been able to give him some make-up to cover it up. But what if that happened again? What would happen if he lost control? He didn't even want to think about it.

But...he couldn't not go. This was his chance. If he blew this, he wouldn't just let his dad or his teammates down, he'd let his dream down. Everything he'd built towards. And that couldn't happen.

So, he'd just have to stay focused throughout the entire tryouts. Not let anything distract him.

"Ready man?" Roderick asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," he said, trying to convince himself as much as them. They were in the locker rooms, getting changed. He hadn't spotted Franklin yet and hoped the guy wouldn't be a no-show. He certainly looked like he'd make a great teammate.

He smiled as he lifted up the jersey, the number 12 written on it along with the team name: The Jets. After today, this jersey would be his. Well, maybe not this specific one, but a jersey.

"Ok, let's roll out," Luke said and walked towards the door, stepping through and out next to the field. He instantly spotted some of the former teammates passing the ball back and forth. The leader of them hurled the ball so hard that the catcher actually fell, fumbling the ball as he did.

Andrew Stroneman. Former quarterback and frontrunner to be it again.

Not if I have anything to say about it, Luke thought. If he was able to make it to quarterback after today, well...the opportunities in front of him would be like a gold mine.

Unfortunately, Andrew was the best quarterback the team had had in years. The chances of Coach Beatriz choosing someone else were almost nil. But Luke wasn't giving up yet. And with his powers, maybe he would get the boost he needed.

As long as he didn't horribly screw up.

They found Sally waiting for them outside the girls' locker room and together all entered the field. The tryouts wouldn't officially start for another ten minutes so there were still people trickling in. And they weren't the only ones there, much to Luke's surprise and delight.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the lovely Simmons," he said, walking up to the blonde bombshell.

Emily sighed audibly before turning to look at him with a stink-eye. "Walk away Decker. I'm not in the mood."

"Oh come on, Simmons, don't be like that. It's not every day you see your favorite person in the world come out to cheer you on."

"I am not cheering you on," she said. "I decided that my squad could use the practice and Coach Beatriz gave us the ok to do some work while you guys do your tryouts."

"So...since I am trying out and since your work involves cheering, technically you will be cheering me on?" Luke grinned. "Am I wrong?"

Emily went silent for some time before she sighed again. "Just go away."

"Alright, alright." He thought about adding a line about seeing her in her cheerleading outfit, which he always admired, but decided that might be taking it too far. As much fun as it was to rile Emily up, he did know when enough was enough. Besides, fun time was over. No more distractions. He had to get his head in the game if he wanted to come out on top. And he would.

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