˖⁺‧₊˚ back home ˚₊‧⁺˖

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florina waited impatiently for the clock to strike 3 pm as she spun the expensive pen in her fingers, just as the clock struck 3 she let out a sigh of happiness finally free to go back to the comfort of her dorm and members.

The day was long with non-stop flights and meetings back to back, signing a million documents and planning future projects. "Ready my car, Ben, I'm gonna head home, please take over from here," she spoke into the telephone after pressing the button. 

in a few minutes, Ben entered the office after knocking on the door, "Your car is ready ma'am, Dave is waiting downstairs," he informed, "thanks for the hard work," she said placing the coat over her body and walking out of the office. 

Employees were greeting her to which she greeted them back with a nod walked out of the building and immediately entered the Bently, "To the dorm please," she said and then closed her eyes until she reached her dorm building.

as she reached their dorm, she placed the key card on the scanner and the door opened, entering the 3RACHA dorm, she was confused when she saw all the lights off, "are they not home yet?" she muttered pulling out her phone to text in the group chat but suddenly the light turned on and a series of 'SURPRISE' was heard startling the poor exhausted girl.

"AH THAT SCARED ME, WHY?!" she cursed, switching to Korean now, and saw all her precious boys in front of her, laughing at her reaction while Hyunjin was recording on his personal phone. She joined in as well finally feeling full now that she was back with her members. 

"I missed you guys so much," she said as they all hugged her, "we missed you so much noona/wonnie" they responded, "what's smelling so good?" she questioned after they broke the hug, "Lee Know Hyung and Chan hyung made lunch," Seungmin said, "Not so fast young lady, go wash up first," Lee Know pulled her like a claw machine from the back when she tried to go and eat

"Ugh fine, that means you all can't eat now as well," she huffed and walked out of their dorm and to hers to shower and change into some more comfortable clothes. After 20 minutes she walked into the the 3RACHA+Hyunjin dorm and saw the Maknae line playing games on their phone meanwhile the oppa line was setting the table.

"I'm here all fresh and nice!" she exclaimed, twirling around showing that she had showered now. She wore a two-piece blue-grey knitted loungewear and her home slippers. She walked over to the oppa line and saw how they happily served the food. 

"Ah I missed homemade food!" she said inhaling the scent of the food her members made, "noona you literally went to your home and came back how is this homemade food?" Seungmin teased, and Jeongin joined in as well.

"YAH YOU PUNKS, I missed my Minho oppa's food," she said as she took a piece of fried chicken and put it in her mouth. "see you brats, this is my daughter," he bragged while they laughed. "everyone gathers around lunch is ready," chan called out but no one moved, changbin grabbed a pan and a spoon and started banging it and everyone got annoyed and moved to the dining table.

"Thank you for the food, we'll eat well," everyone chorused as they dug into the food, "mm, how I missed this food," Florina said as she took a bite of the warm food, seeing her appreciate the food made the two eldest members happy. 

After a full course meal, they were now happy with a full tummy, "when was the last time I ate properly," she asked as she rubbed her tummy, seeing Chan take the dishes to the sink she stood up and helped him clean up the dishes.

After doing the dishes, all members went their ways into the rooms while Chan and Florina were left in the kitchen. "so how is life now being the CEO of a company?" Chan asked as they walked into his bedroom, "I can't say it's bad since today was the first day I officially went to work, but so far I'd say it's not bad, there were a few meetings, sign this, sign that, read this, read that, revise the materials, that's it, but I do plan on expanding the business, so that's new," she said as she sat on the bed and grabbed one of the many notebooks lying around and started scribbling on it

"Hm, thought so, always know that I am here for you when you need me, hm?" Chan said as he started his laptop to get some work done, she smiled and nodded. They soon fell into a peaceful silence as they occupied different parts of the bed doing their stuff. 

florina was drawing some architectural pieces of a gated community and fell asleep doing that, Chan placed her body properly so that she wouldn't wake up in pain, he looked at the drawing and smiled placing the notebook near her phone so that she took it with her, he has many notebooks anyway.

He pulled the blanket over both their bodies, cuddling each other and falling asleep in each other's embrace. 

𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍- 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now