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it was finally Friday and the whole of SKZ finally got an off day, well here they got three days off and now they all planned to go somewhere for a night trip. Haewon was ready and out of her dorm with her bags and went to Chan's dorm, seeing everyone placing their bags at the entrance.

 Haewon was ready and out of her dorm with her bags and went to Chan's dorm, seeing everyone placing their bags at the entrance

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The members were all ready with their backpacks by the door, they just needed to leave. "Kids, are you guys ready? Have you packed everything?" Minho asked as he saw everyone except Chan going through their stuff to check everything.

"Ne Eomma!" Hyunjin and Haewon said together and laughed while Minho shook his head and turned to Chan, who was going through their checklist of the things they were bringing to their one-night stay in Angyang-Myeon, it is a two and a half hour's drive from where they lived. 

They all had discussed what they wanted to eat and gave Haewon the responsibility of groceries since the rest of the members still had to go to work, and she agreed since she had nothing else to do in the company in her days off from idol life. She online bought all the stuff through Dave who then dropped them off at her dorm. 

"Jeongin-ah did you take the cards?" Felix shouted from the other end of the room going through the game box to look for the UNO cards. "Oh ne hyung, it's with me," he said wearing his shoes. "Let's go everyone ppalli, ppalli!" Jisung exclaimed, his sugar rush hitting because of the can of energy drinks he drank in the morning.

"You guys are so slow." Seungmin said in his cute English making everyone laugh or grumble in annoyance, "Seungmin keep the bags in the car, go do that," Changbin said who also walked over to help him followed by Haewon who picked up the clothes bags, while the others also followed carrying some of the bags as well.

"Let's go everyone," Chan said as he locked the doors properly and entered the elevator to go to the private parking space of the building. They walked over to the two rental 5-seater SUVs that they had booked prior and drove here. They placed all the stuff in the trunk and turned to each other. 

"The two who will drive are Minho and Changbin," Chan informed and Felix and Haewon whined since they both planned that Haewon would drive and Felix would be her passenger princess. Hugging each other they dramatically blabbered while the rest of the members decided on the seatings. 

"Jisung Hyung and Haewon noona should sit separately, they had too many energy drinks and now they are in a sugar rush," Seungmin said looking at Jisung who now joined Felix and Haewon in their drama. He shivered as a worst-case scenario just flashed in his eyes. "Sure, then Minho, Jisung, Seungmin and Felix in one car," Chan said agreeing with him, making Haewon and Felix remove themselves from each other most dramatically.

"Changbin, me, Hyunjin, Haewon, and Jeongin in another car," Chan finished, Haewon walked over to Changbin and attempted to flirt and take the driver's title from him to which he just flicked her forehead and then proceeded to enter the driver's seat. She rubbed her forehead cursing lightly and entered the back seat between Chan and Jeongin. 

𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍- 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now