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What is one thing common for everyone during winter? It's to get sick after having all sorts of cold food when your parents especially your mother had warned you about it. That is exactly what happened to dear Haewon and Hyunjin. Both youngsters had been drinking iced americanos and finishing tubs of ice cream every day.

"That's what you both get for not listening to me," Minho spoke annoyed with Haewon and Hyunjin's constant sneezing competition. "Be quick you both, your appointment is literally in 10 minutes!" Minho shouted causing the sick duo's ears to ring since they were very sensitive now with all the headache, body aches and high temperature. 

"Oppa can you - achoo - lower your voice, my ears are hurting," Haewon said slipping on her white fluffy shoes, both her and Hyunjin wore matching fluffy clothes since they were feeling too cold. Hyunjin nodded agreeing with what the girl said making Minho sigh and walk out the door. 

The two quickly followed him not to anger him and leave them at the dorm, "I call for the front seat," Haewon rushed to the front seat, "Hey not fair!" Hyunjin whined, "No, none of you are sitting in the front, back seat you both right now!" Minho spoke in a voice where it left no space for argument. 

Slumped, they both got into the back seat not before Hyunjin held the door open for the girl, what a gentleman, "he is such a boomer," Hyunjin whispered to Haewon causing them to burst into a fit of giggles while Minho texted Chan that he just left the dorm taking the two kids to the hospital. 

The 10-minute ride to the hospital was filled with broken-voice shouts from Haewon and Hyunjin who were doing a competition of who could sneeze more making Minho disgusted by their actions. "do not make a scene at the hospital you both or no Jeongin for the next two days," Minho threatened causing both of them to stare at him in shock and then scurry out of the car since Jeongin is basically oxygen for these two.

"Good evening Mr Lee!" the doctor greeted making the three greet him back, "Are those two the patients?" he asked and Minho nodded motioning them to go sit on the two chairs near the doctor while Minho took a seat opposite side of the table. 

"Hm, so tell me what are your names?" the doctor asked looking at them but those two looked at Minho who in turn stared back at them wondering why weren't answering the question. "Don't you know your name?" he questioned but they just looked at him making him sigh, "Hyunjin and Haewon doctor," Minho gave them a look when they turned to the doctor indicating that they answered his question.

"And what problems are you both facing?" and you're right, they both faced Minho who sighed frustratedly like a mom, "Please I don't have your bodies but both of them are having the same problems, body and headache, high temperature, nose block," Minho answered for them both. 

"Okay, how long have you been sick for?" they turned to the older male, "past two days," he answered, "okay one more thing what are your date of birth please," the poor doctor asked and both of them mumbled their birthdates, "what year please?" since the two of them only said the month and date, "2024," Haewon mumbled making the doctor and Minho look at her weirdly

"Haewon, you both weren't born in 2024," he said frustrated with this whole situation, "Okay you know what? How old are you both?" The doctor asked genuinely wanting to get over with this, but once again they both turned to look at Minho who was trying to stay calm, "They're twenty-four," he answered making the doctor look at the pair 

"Thank you, these are the medicines you both should have for the next 5 days on time, do not skip meals and take plenty of rest, also one quick shot should make your recovery faster," the doctor finished making the pair widen their eyes, there is absolutely no way they were getting needles stabbed in their bodies just so they could get better faster.

"Oppa I'm not getting any injections, I'll gladly stay at home and drink those awful medicines than get a knife stabbed in my arm," Haewon said dramatizing the scenario that would happen in the next few minutes, "I agree hyung, I'll stay at home with Wonnie, please," he begged not wanting injections

"Jinnie don't leave me they will kill me," Haewon whisper-shouted, Minho only warned not to shout and make a scene, so she along with Hyunjin whisper-shouted and caused the scene and obviously only the nurse was weirded out by this. "Stop being dramatic Haewon, you won't feel a thing, right nurse?" Minho questioned the nurse who nodded and smiled at the pair wanting to ease their fear and picked up the medicine-filled injection

"Hyunjin first please," she begged, "HEY!" He shouted, "Oppa will kill you now cuz you shouted," she giggled and turned to look at Minho who was busy with his phone, "OUCH! THAT HURTS!" Hyunjin screamed making the girl scared, "is it really that painful?" she asked Hyunjin who was examining the bandaged area of his forearm

"It feels like a bazillion needles are poking you and lemon jui-" Hyunjin was cut off by Minho who glared at him to shut up, "There all done!" the nurse exclaimed, "WHAT?!" Hyunjin and Haewon exclaimed, "How did I not feel anything?" the nurse chuckled and walked out of the room so that the three could get ready and leave

"Oppa, what the heck? how did I feel nothing?" Minho rolled his eyes at the two of them, "Let's go we still need to get your medicine," They both obeyed silently bickering with each other and walked out of the hospital getting the medicines and back to the dorm.

-back at the dorm-

"-seen how they were staring at me every time the doctor asked them questions," Minho said as he plopped on the couch leaning onto the armrest, "are they sleeping?" Chan asked as he ate some of the food they just bought, "yeah, they weren't ready to have their medicines before I threatened them with Jeongin on the line," Minho answered taking a bite of the chicken

"next time you are going to take them to the hospital," Chan laughed at Minho agreeing just to get him the man to calm down because he looked like he could kill anyone right now, "Eat, eat you must be tired from handling them," and that's how the day ended with the two sick members sleeping in Hyunjin's bedroom all warm and fluffy.

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