⋆˚☆˖° studio °˖☆˚⋆

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the dim hallways of the building were empty, void of the chaos that usually happens since it was past midnight now. Chan walked along the path just leaving his studio after overworking himself, once again. he sighed listening to the rain hitting the windows and checked his phone to see his members asking him to return back to the dorm.

one particular melody followed by a few curses which were too familiar made Chan halt in his tracks. following the sound he found himself standing in front of one of the many studios in the company, the door was open and the dim lights of the studio were on indicating that someone was present there. 

"fuck this!" a frustrated voice said, making the male want to confirm his suspicion of who it was. Chan peeked into the studio and saw the only female member of his group, Florina, messing with the keys of the laptop and the musical instruments making a beat. the room was small so everything was set in one place.

he stood there shocked at how the girl was making such a sensuous melody so effortlessly and questioning how he didn't know that the girl had the ability to compose

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he stood there shocked at how the girl was making such a sensuous melody so effortlessly and questioning how he didn't know that the girl had the ability to compose. he entered the room slowly and stood there watching her so concentrated on piecing every chord and tune together and when she finally got the pieces right she smiled in success.

she played the music she had just composed, picking up a pencil she flipped through the pages of her notebook. while she listened and skimmed the pages mentally trying to make the simple lyrics she wrote match with the melody, Chan found himself impressed by the melody. 

Florina tossed the notebook on the table and turned around only to get scared, "my fucking heart!" she screamed when she saw Chan leaning against the wall beside the door. holding her chest she spoke in English, "when the fuck did you come here, Chris?"

"why didn't you say you could compose?" Chan questioned ignoring the younger girl back in the same language, "you never asked," she shrugged removing her hair tie, letting her hair free. "would you look at that, it's 2 in the morning and Minho oppa will kill me if I don't get you back to the dorm," she said looking at the time from her phone and closed the notebook filled with various lyrics the girl wrote.

"trying to escape are we?" Chan questioned and walked towards the keyboard preventing the younger one from escaping, "Chris! you are so not listening to the bullshit I just created," she said embarrassed that her leader caught her messing with the keyboards, "what do you mean by bullshit? that was so good, can we hear it again? please Wonnie?" he pleaded using puppy eyes

"fuck me!" she lightly cursed not being able to say no to those eyes, especially since he only ever used them when he really needed something from her, groaning she agreed and played the beats on the speaker, 'If I by Limi'

after the music ended, "I am so letting you produce with us next time," he informed her making her widen her eyes, "Chris don't be ridiculous, I'm not good at all, and you are NOT saying this to anyone," she shook him by his shoulder, "Florentina, this is literally so damn good and I just know Han is going to be thrilled when he finds out that you can compose and done even get me started on Changbin," he rambled as wheels started spinning in his brain with this new found talent of his bandmate.

"I really can't talk you out of this right?" she asked rubbing her face, "nope! now do you have any lyrics that you wrote to pair it with this beautiful instrumental?" she groaned knowing that he saw her looking at her notebook. sighing she picked up her notebook flipping to the page where she had this particular set of words for the music she just created.

"only these two pages. do not go flipping between any other pages," she warned him who nodded respecting her privacy and read through the page with many scribblings and striked up words in black ink. "you are a bloody genius Tina" he praised her making her roll her eyes

"tell me something I don't know old man," she sassed him out, Chan laughed "can you sing it for me?" she nodded and sat on the chair along with Chan and started singing the words with her eyes closed since she knew the lyrics by heart. 

removing the headset, both turned to each other while Florina was nervous about her leader's opinion, Chan couldn't help but think about how the girl kept exceeding his expectations of her. "I think I just fell in love with you all over again," he joked and she knew that this meant he was impressed by her lyricism

"why thank you Mr Bahng, now if you don't mind we need to head back home or Minho oppa is going to kill both you and me," she smiled knowing how angry the male gets when they don't get back to the dorm for resting at night unless there are schedule which in this case wasn't there so they had no excuse.

both the members were on their drive back to the dorm in Florina's car, the silence was peaceful between them and the only sound accompanying them at 3 in the morning was the heavy sound of rain. pulling up to the basement parking of their dorm building they parted ways after saying good nights and went to their dorms. 

the next day after hearing an earful from Minho, Chan called for a meeting with the group in the 3RACHA studio. "hyung is everything alright?" Jisung asked and all the members except Florina looked at him for answers also wondering why their beloved female member was so nervous. "we might have had a genius amongst us and we failed to notice," he stated

"what do you mean hyung?" this time Seungmin asked, "well, let's give this a listen first and then talk okay?" nodding everyone sat on the couch along with the staff except for Florina, who was leaning against the wall near the door. the 3RACHA members sat in front of the desk and Chan played the recording of yesterday.

"don't tell me this Florina, as in our Florina," Changbin asked shocked looking at her, others also turned to look at her, "see I know its bad, you don't have to make a big deal out o-" "bad? this is brilliant!" Jisung shouted standing up and shaking her by her shoulders, everyone stood there stunned at the revelation of the newfound talent in the group. this would bring so many changes, good changes at that, everyone thought.

"we have to say this PD-nim," Jeongin spoke looking at Chan, "yeah, well I think it would be better if Haewon recorded this piece properly once again, I'm not saying it's bad but for making sure that everything is correct, and then you go talk to PD-nim that way you can make him listen to her song as well," the staff member said to which everyone nodded and they started on doing just that and that is how the start of Florina's solo songs started

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