⋆⋆.relationship with members.⋆⋆

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⋆⭒˚.⋆ chan x florina ⋆.˚⭒⋆

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oh how STAYs love this duo, the perfect example of being each others' comfort people. Haewon always looks up to him and has granted herself the title of being his no. 1 fan along with STAYs who agree and let her be the president of the 'Chan Fan Club'. he even calls her 'noona' to tease her since she always says him to eat something

she is his little photographer and he is her canvas she could experiment her skills with, and honestly, Chan loves it when Haewon just randomly pops into his bedroom pulling him out of the dorm for a walk along with her camera just so she could take pretty picture of him

like the other members, one would think she also gets cared for by Chan, but it's the opposite here. Haewon is the one who takes care of the older's well-being when he is locked up in the studio skipping meals, stressing himself too much or when he can't sleep even if it is past 5 in the morning

they both are always seen bickering with each other for eating food or drinking water, while the girl solely survives on energy drinks herself and specifically avoiding water, Chan skips the whole meal. This makes each other angry at why the other wouldn't eat or drink something. 

STAYs think that since Chan is always there for everyone whenever needed, Haewon was sent to him as an angel in disguise so that someone would take care of him since he didn't want to take care of himself. and seeing Haewon take care of Chan makes STAYs happy since they know how hardworking their leader is

status: older sister/younger brother vibes

⋆⭒˚.⋆ minho x florina ⋆.˚⭒⋆

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ultimate psycho mother-daughter duo. that's it. they both always say something so out of pocket that it scares the members. Minho always says that Haewon is his little princess and she lives for his attention.

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