A Letter From a Sister

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Angela had written again and Mr. Knox had not. Enmae had read the letter again and again. Angela had found work for her, and worse, Enmae's current residency.

Dear Sister, Enmae,

Oh my heart yearns to know how you fair in your new home. Your sudden departure from our aunts residency has left our heads spinning. I know not why you are choosing to live in such a place as Treeville. But you have my full support as I have had yours in years past.

To offer amends, I know of a gentleman seeking a maid. I am sure he will pay more than your current wage, I'm sure. His name is Sir Mattias Lowe. Seek him out and let him know I sent you.

Attached are two parts of fabric that I dare not decide upon for Celestia's spring gown without your keen eye for color and style. Please write as to which would be most complimentary for her. I am lost without you. We all are. You're own niece, Celestia cries so, believing to no longer recall your face. As soon as you are able please do visit.

As always, your dear sister,

Angela Adams

Enmae had read the letter time and time again. her sister pretended all was well. It baffled Enmae. There was good reason for her to be away. Good reason for living a life lower than her born station. Real disgrace upon her shoulders. And her sister offering meager amends did not apologize for the part played in these unfortunate events. She didn't breathe a letter of sorry.

She burned with resentment at the pale offering. Surely this would be unwise to wait for this 'Mattias Lowe' to find a new maid. She could learn well enough to clean and already knew to mend clothes.

Taking the bait her sister offered seemed tempting to have less meagre meals. It seemed that she had grown weary of the battle. Of the humiliation she faced at the hands of her family. She knew very well why her sister had told the gossips among their peers. It was to "protect" society against a blackguard, a vile, irrefutably gross man, that held society captive in charm. In doing so, this betrayal of trust had burned deeply and scarred.

She thought back to that fatal night. The one where she had weakly walked in and out of. The one that pushed her need to escape. On her birthday.

The air had been cold with winter for only a little time. The week of dragon's feast had ended and her heart had been broken in the worst of ways. She had returned from a walk to find several carriages at the home. young woman in her sister's inner circle of trust that were acquaintances of Enmae through her sister Angela only. She knew much about them but did not commonly refer to them as friends. Enmae was more of wallflower herself. She had hardly been in this new part of the country a year and did not consider herself to have many friends outside of the man who had recently broke her spirit.

She entered the home hesitantly and followed voices down the well lit hallway. She was surprised to find a welcome environment prepared for her. Candles in a large cake and delicious sides of fine meat, cheeses, and stews. Champagne and wine was included in the spread on the center table in the great room of the home and ladies gather around chatting amiably. It was a celebration. She could not fathom what for as the dragons feast had ended.

Enmae forced a smile on her face, in no mood for company. Company however did not seem to notice. The ladies applauded when they spotted her presence. A few cheered, already inebriated with the lights and spoils laid on the table.

"Oh how good of you to join us!" Her sister looped her arm in hers and dragged Enmae further in the room and seated her at the table.

"What seems to be the occasion..?" Enmae whispered to her sister.

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