A Decent Place to Burn

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As Enmae made her way on foot to Mattias Lowe's resident she spotted a very familiar pathway that she had been down many times. Her mood soured as she felt a pull toward it.
No. She knew a part of her soul might be wandering there. If she followed down that road, she might find it, but it could be shriveled and hostile.

She burned with hatred and stormed past the road. She made it to Mr. Lowe's residence and began her work with another maid by her side showing her the ropes. Her arrival was overshadowed by news from the palace. something about a rogue prince. It was good fortune that her plight was far less interesting. There would be less questions regarding a lady doing a maids work this way. She cleaned and sewed and was proficient to be left alone in the rooms to dust. While she dusted the smell of ash from a cigar resting coldly on a tray brought her back to that day. 

He always smelled of ash from his cigar and wool from his coat. He was not a dashing man. She had known him since she was little. He was familiar and would play with her as child. He was trusted by her and her family. Deeply so. It was not untoward for him to be left alone with her. He would often take her hand and listen intently to what she spoke of. His hair receded and thinned at the top. He had much weight around his chin and belly. He was by no means handsome. Yet, he had a way of words that had previously drawn her in and now scarred her.

She scowled at her thoughts. How dare that man. Mr. Hale who had been so conniving and convinced her to relinquish a part of her soul, would dare carelessly leave it to wander the same place it was ripped from her.

"You believe I need a part of your soul? A lot of good it's done me! You think you can manipulate me?"

Her eyes had burned from tears beginning to well up. She had asked him why he would abandon her. She had given everything he had asked. She did not manipulate him. A lump formed in her throat and she could hardly speak.

"Consider it finished, Enmae. I do not care for you. I never have. You hoped, and you were wrong. I never lied to you. You are of no importance, and you are not particularly striking or beautiful. You hold nothing for me. You gave me that part of your soul willingly. There was nothing I promised in return."

While it was true, it wasn't true at all.

"You-you said you saw... us and, and-"

"Yes." Mr. Hale snapped. Interrupting her weak words. "I said I could see it. Not that I of all men would want it. I'm doing this for your own good. We can cut this all out and you can move on. Look at how hurt you are." His tone softened. "Can't you see a lifetime with me would crush you? It's because I care so about you."

Her head spun. He did care? But didn't he see that he was the one hurting her?

"So what then?" She bravely asked, "are we to continue as before? Am I to ever see you again?"

"Of course!" He cried. "I wish to see you happy! You are welcome in my home. My mother is your mother. I should always like to see you. We are just to never be married."

"You want me in your life partially? Like how you took a part of my soul? And what I am to be happy to watch you wed another?"

"Why yes, little girl. The woman I am to marry is very rich. Should you need anything I am happy to oblige."

"I do not want that." Enmae whispered and sank to the ground. Crushed at her realization.

Mr. Hale darkened.

"Then leave from my sight. You are ungrateful for the future I offer you."

"You offer no future. Just for me to sit demurely while my heart breaks." Her voice grew stronger in upset.

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