A Trip to See Celine

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The morning following her encounter with Cassius Heart, Enmae packed a small bag. Celine had written prior, requesting a visit from her sister. While she would not arrive in time for her sister's birthday, she had written to let Celine know she would visit.

She had written to Mrs. Lowe to notify him of her absence for the next few days. The maids had said that leaving her station would be acceptable as they had done so many times to visit loved ones. 

Enmae held no ill feelings toward Celine. She had felt her sisterly love consistently since she had left her home to begin a season as a young woman of sixteen and even now, at twenty one in the midst of enduring the ramification of her choices. Celine being much older and always in a different stage of life had previously distanced Enmae from her. Her older sister always seemed successful and graceful. She was bold and went into her coming out as a young woman with brilliance and determination. There was a purpose behind everything that Celine did. 

If Celine was angry with Enmae's choices, she did not make it known. She preserved her stance of comfort and only offered kind wisdom. It was a very different reaction than others in her family. She felt anger, shame, overbearance, disgust, and a lack of understanding, from most family members. There was a glimpse of support in those who loved her most, but Enmae understood that her actions had harmed her family name. They had a right to their own feelings. She would gladly take whatever understanding she could from them. She couldn't judge them for being so sour with her as she felt the same toward herself. She hardly deserves anything kind from them.

Celine was grateful to see her and concern etched in her features when it came to Enmae in these recent days. Enmae looked withered. Celine had grown up knowing a very bright and energetic, and slightly eccentric young girl. Celine had admitted on a few occasions that her confidence was brilliant and refreshing. The guilt ridden, downtrodden woman that Enmae had become was someone she didn't know. Perhaps this had always been inside Enmae. Celine doubted that and knew this recent development had something to do with a disgusting Lord Hale. She had always detested the man. She herself had never spoken up.

Enmae had a paintbrush in hand. Painting art together for Celine's home brought great joy to her. 

Celine sat poised in front of her for the portrait. The babe in her arms, her only son, was sleeping. She was a picture of everything that Enmae had wanted for herself. A happy marriage and children to show for it. She smiled sadly as she captured the moment in the paint colors. 

"Enmae, do think blue would suit the parlor?"

"I don't see yourself enjoying blue near as much as your staple of light lavender. That color does suit you and would compliment the pale green in the halls."

"I hadn't considered the pairing with the green. You are right. You have such an eye for color and design. You will make a lovely wife one day."

Enmae just smiled. She did not see herself as having such a future. Her own actions had surely ruined such a dream. Even when she was little, while other girls squabbled amongst themselves and dreamed of aspirations outside their station, Enmae had been dazzled by the thought of being a Lady of her own home. She had so adored her mother and father, that the thought of a man giving his entire livelihood touched her deeply. The irony of this, those young ladies will most likely not be opera singers, artists, or authors. Enmae, however, had lost any chance of being something else.

"Celine, I am fulfilling my calling now. I have been volunteering at the local orphanage. Just last time I was there, there was a young boy by the name of Archibald who was so sweet and obsessed with carriages of all things. It was truly darling."

Enmae had a wistfulness in her tone. Celine let the change in topic pass, noting the lack of ambition and drive. It had been weeded out of her. Any confidence was squashed and replaced with humility.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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