Serilda's Wager

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It had been a weeks time since Angela's impromptu visit. Angela had worked hard at the Lowes residence. She had met Mr. Lowe and he had been charming with light brown hair and a square face. He was rugged to an extent, but seemed gentlemanly enough. There were whispers among the maids about his past, but Enmae thought nothing of it. 

Instead of gossiping of their master, her thoughts reflected on an upcoming invitation from Serilda. Instead of receiving Serilda in her home, Serilda invited her to the Taylor Mansion to dine with her. When Enmae had written to decline the invitation, due to a lack of transportation, Serilda had promptly offered to send a carriage, and accompany her personally. 

It had been a while since she had food prepared for her, so Enmae accepted this. Any other point in her life, her pride would prohibit such an event. To accept transportation, tea, and dining, it all seemed too much. Too gracious for a woman who never spent much time together in their youth together.

Anxiety ebbed at Enmae for what the purpose of an evening must be for. She couldn't find an ill intention. 

The Taylors, while extended family, did not frequently associate with the aunts who mocked her. Her Uncle was somewhat of a recluse. Or simply did not care for society. The times she did meet him, he happened to be of good humor and generosity. Perhaps this trait had been passed to Serilda.

Enmae eventually came to the conclusion that this evening might be a way for her to remove herself from her present circumstances and explore a different, but faintly familiar environment. She had only been to the Taylor Manor a few times in her life.

Enmae sat alone in her room on the edge of her bed. She was fortunate to have a space so far from the foyer. It felt extremely private in the basement of the house. There were no servants in the home, coming and going that could turn their prying eyes to her. Only a post man who came with letters.

She had beautified the space creatively with a sheer yellow fabric for curtains. Not to block the little sun, but to frame the egress window in the light well. Beside the bed she had a nightstand and at the foot a long oak dresser. Both of which matched the wardrobe where her dresses hung. The wardrobe was small and her clothes barely fit in them.

She shuffled through them until she found an older dress that still fit nicely. It was not her best, but the white and yellow fabric were comfortable. It was the wrong color for her warm complexion, but with her new station and being alone in the world, she could not afford to be rid of it for it's color.

A bell sounded upstairs. Enmae hurried into her dress and tied the waist strings. She had become very practiced at this art, however she was still late to answer the door.

Serilda stood on the other side of the open door. She was bright and welcoming. Her dark chocolate hair tinged with a purple hue, Her black dress flowing promptly to her ankles. Serilda was tall and stout compared to Enmae. That did not take away from the femininity of her pale, clean skin and cat like eyes that reflected Enmae's same green irises back at her. Serilda stood straight, unapologetic of her height and full figure. Small bejeweled swords hung from her ears, instead of the gaudy jewels other ladies would prefer. She was different than Enmae remembered.

"Enmae," She smiled warmly, as if they had been friends for sometime already, "I brought our second carriage, which is a bit smaller, I do hope you wont find it unsuitable?"

Enmae blanched. Unsuitable? It was absurd to say such a thing.

"Of course not! I do appreciate you taking care to accompany me to your home. It is much preferred to the long walk I would take otherwise."

Serilda laughed and guided her back to the carriage. "Enmae, walking was never in order. You are my company for diner. I would not stand for such a thing."

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