The Stable Boy

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Enmae crept out of bed. It was close to noon and yet her tired body slumped as if the sun had not risen. Surely, time sleeping in was rejuvenating, but no. She was as tired as the night before. Perhaps if she had gotten to bed on time and not had that conversation with the stable hand... 

She checked the clock on the wall. of course it was 10 minutes before noon. She would be late if she prepared for the day now. She contemplated not going. The poor boy would be so hurt. She shrugged on her morning clothes and freshened her hair and smile. Splashing water on her face, she all but ran out the door in a hurry. 

She was late, but true to a happy nature the man called out to her in joy at her sight.

"You made it, Miss! I was just about to leave without you!" 

When she reached him he offered his arm, mimicking a gentleman's manners. His however were only a pale imagery as he had offered her the wrong arm. Instead of correcting him, she took his arm and the corner of her lip twitched in almost an amused expression. The correct arm seemed to be carrying a leather satchel.

As they walked he chatted on about his family who lived nearby. His father was a preacher and his mother a simple preacher's wife. He was out trying to make his own fortune. He told her of the success he hoped to have. Quite a bit into the conversation, he paused.

"I don't think I ever asked yer name Miss."

She hesitated. What was the harm?

"Enmae Miller, and you sir? I seem to have forgotten my manners and neglected to ask yours as well."

He shrugged. "It's just a poor boys name, but I did give it to ya."

Her brows scrunched. With so many new names in her life as of late, she had forgotten his.

"Was it Thomas?"

"Nope" he said with a smile popping the 'p.' 


Instead of responding he moved on.

"These are the stables! This here is my own mare. I'm working her off the master." He proclaimed.

"She is to be yours one day?"

"In one weeks times, Miss."

He help settle Ename atop the mare. A feat that was slightly difficult and partially embarrassing. She was beautiful smokey white horse spotted in smeared pebbles of darker grey.

"What is her name?"

"I'm debating between Ziggy, Soots, and Gertrude."

Enmae found a real smile on her face. They were completely different and silly names.

"She does not have one already?"

"Not a name I gave her." He shrugged and mounted a warm tan horse with black socks and a white stripe on it's nose and underbelly.

She followed his directions for leading the horse and controlling the speed. She followed behind his horse to the edge of the green fields on his master's property to a trail. With her legs on either side of her steed, she was grateful for the wide skirt on her dress working hard against the movement of the horse to keep her modesty intact. Not that it mattered to Enmae. Why would it? She was not a 'Lady' anymore. It was purely habit.

Once they reached a higher point in the road, she marveled at the strength in the horse as its muscles moved to lift her higher on the incline. it seemed impossible that this horse would not be sore after Enmae's own thighs began to burn from simple sitting atop it. She loved the animal and smiled sincerely while stroking it's thick grey neck.

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