Goodbye Papa

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Papa opened the door slowly. Making sure no government agents were lurking about. Two men were revealed. One in a navy suit and brown dress shoes, the other wearing white overalls and disheveled braids in his hair. The white overall one kinda looked homeless and maybe stinky?

"Hello. We are here to pick up Penny's assistant." is what I read on the lips of the well dressed man.

My eyes grew a bit wide. This is it. But who's that homeless looking guy? I guess that's me though, the dog assistant. I tuck ten strands of hair behind my left ear, and raise my eyebrow kawaii-like.

The suited man glances at my bags and picks them up for me. My papa placed his hand on my back, gesturing to leave. 

"Bye papa, see you in a month! ;(" I sign. 

"umm is she doing gang signs?" the homeless guy says with his mouth. "I don't want her teaching my dog that."

"No, my Devy poo is deaf." Papa explains to him, while signing for me at the same time. 

"Guess she wasn't locked in." white pants boy says, and looks at me with a mix of disgust and maybe constipation.

I begin to walk out the door, and wave goodbye to papa. I'm so sad rn, but not as sad as when I found out harambe died :p.

There is a long black shiny Ford 150 sitting outside. I love it when things are long and black. Like seatbelts, benches, and the weird streak in my undie wears.

The suited man is quick behind me, in theory anyways, I can't hear. He loads the truck with my stuff and I hop in the back. The two men sit in front with the suited man driving. 

The stinky fella starts scribbling in a notepad. He turns it to me, it says: 

"Hey deaf girl named Devon, this car ride is going to be 3 hours long... kay?"

I nod my head. I feel like this guy doesn't really like me. Wait... didn't he say earlier it was his dog? At least that's what I think i read on his juic- uhh plump- i mean regular lips. So this is the musician? No way, don't most musicians shower? He doesn't look like a musician.

He was right though, the drive was long. It took us about 4 hours because we stopped for gas and a potty break. If there was a world record for someone taking a long time on the toilet, this guy would have it. He also ate 5 whoppers from Burger King, and only fed me the tomatoes he didn't want. 

It's 7pm and we've finally arrived at the hotel were staying at for the night. It's some random super 8, but it looks like the pool has a slide!! YIPPEE. Speaking of pee I need to go real bad. 

I hop out of the whip and book it inside. Leaving the boys to take my bags, hopefully. I am sooooo glad I didn't pee my pants cause I only do that on special occasions. I remember my favourite memory was when I peed my pants one time and my mom was there beside me. Now she's dead so I can't have her pee comfort anymore. RIP x_x

I step outside the bathroom and I am met with glowy brown orbs...

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