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*today was rei's big day!she has class meeting,after years-anyways,after what Yesterday happened,she is lost.i mean,rei's aunt is named viola-anyway,this is going ro be perfect!she loves her class,theyre funny,and weird.*

*rei puts in her shoes,and takes a black nirvana bag(nirvama fan :>)*

?-where- are you going?..
*rei freezes ajd turns around only to see veneers ugly ass messy face(right after he woke up ofc)

rei-oh!uhhln-outside?...*confused and nervous grin*

veneer-fuck yeah i get it but like, exact WHERE?

rei-oh uhmmm,.....jax come here!

jax-bitch i wasnt in you dirty ass shit class,dont get me into it!

veneer-aha!so you have a class meeting!you said you hate you class!

rei-shit,jax h gonna regreat it...uhhhmmm,yk i need to late anyways!*rei looks at her phone,oh hell nah her class is spaming on the class chat on whatsapp sending wierd ass stickers like angela merkel or meme stickers💀*

veneer:ughh,okay,go,but dont show up your ass earlier than 3pm,get it?

rei:ok(in rei's mind:i dont give a shit!<3)

                                                  at the meeting:

*rei is the first one ofc...exept francessco and taha....francessco is from italia,wierd ass fuck and his face looks like a freaking frog-anyways...reis school was in germany so everyone calls francessco 'franschissko'...its not something nice-*

*rei sits on a bench*
taha:girl arent you cold?

rei:stfu bro

*a friend of her wiktoria and emelie came,oh hell nah they are these two besties that every class has,they gossip about everyone and everything,mostly they gossip bout thier old math teacher and make tik tok tutorials how to burn down his house*

emelie and wika:haaayyyyyg girl


*next comes luana,zuzanna and melina,hell nah imma not talk about them💀*

rei...they dont even said hi?..

wika:ye thats becouse the pick me,melina is 'afraid'


*after,maxim and nikita came,maxim is the russian guy thats kinda funny but always gets in trohble with nikta,but everyone call nikita 'nektarine' which means from german 'nectatin'*

emelie:omg guys the nummber one had eyecontact with me!



rei:omg-girl,hes in love with you!(no hes not bitch<3)


*rei and emelie turn around to see...,EKREM?!*




rei:hell yeah!(bro how the fuck are u so funny like the word isnt even funny but how u try to be funny is funnier than you trying be funny)

*,lias,adonit come,lias ...has crush on wika,looks like a 4 year old guy,ye*

wika:oh hell nah not him-

rei:girl he has an crush on you

*joel and ali come*

*rei blushes as she sees 'J'*

emelie:aaannndd..,when were about crushes-

rei:fuck no

ekrem:joel vergewaldicht kleine kinder

rei:BRUUH(rei,emelie,wika-actually all girls from the class are te only ones that talk to ekrem bc ge has no friends(no wonder))

*leon and ela come*

emelie:hell nah not ela💀

rei:fr shes annoying

wika:lil' demon

emelie and rei:fr

*netzir and killian come*

emelie:hell nah💀

wika:lets get out of here-

rei:ey you guys remember that drama with him becouse of one picture?


*jamie,the annoying one comes-HELL NAHHHHHH*

rei:to be honest,hes the only one that i didnt miss


wika:hes gay

rei:fr fr

*aleyna and sibel come(and sibels twin brother kamil but were just gonna ignore him)*



aleyna:hi girl



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