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*rei was sitting in her room making notes when the next concert is,and what should they wear,rei hears the doorbell rings and she goes to check it out, she opens the door and sees a 11 years old cute little girl.She had green hair just like vel and ven,she was similar to them, she had a bag in her hand and she had a cute dress.She didnt look so young.Veneer is 17 and Velvet 5 months older.She also looks really cute and..had..tears in her eyes?...w-what did happen?*

*rei looks at the girl*

rei:is...everything alright honey?dk yiu need help sweetie?did you got lost or lost your parents?....

*rei loves childer(BUT NOT ALL)*

?:...c-can..i see brother a-and sister?..

rei:ofcourse!who are they,can i help?

?:thier n-names..are ..v-veneer and velvet...

*Rei stood in shock, she had no idea that they had such a cute sister*

rei:u-hhmm..s-sure,come in.

*the girl and rei walked in,rei gave the girl a orange juice and a cookie and told her to sit on the couch and wait,rei called velvet,becouse she knew velvet is always on her phone*

rei:uhmm..velvet,come down and take with you veneer,we have a guest

velvet:ugh,i dont want to talk to my fans now!i dont have makeup or a good hairstyle?!my hair is down!

rei:okay.vel you look great with hair down and now get veneer and come down its serious

velvet:okay,wait a minute.

*after 5 minutes(ofcourse 5 and not 1 lol)velvet comes down with veneer,when veneer sees the girl he hugs her and she hugs him back*

veneer:omg viola!i missed you so much sweetie!

viola:i missed you too big bro!

*they hug*

velvet:viola?!what are you doing here?!

rei:okay what is going on?!and you jax stop eating that flower!

*jax looks at rei and stops eating the flower*

*veneer's pov:*

when i was 6 years old my mom gave birth to my little sister viola,velvet was the oldest,but she was only 5 months older than me so actually she feels snd felt 'cool' and like an 'adult' so she only cared for herself.Our parents didnt had time for us at all,they needet to cook,to clean the house and thier job was very important.I treated viola like my own child,i didnt had friends so i had time for her,exept for learning,i was better in school than my sister,only friend i had was viola,and i was her only friend.When she became older,i finally had a friend to play with,becouse in school vel acted like she didnt know me and she was mean to me.when i became older me and vel we left for mount rageous(cant write the city name)i missed viola so much

*end of veneer's pov*

veneee:so..shes our sister..and...*veneer tells the story to rei*

rei:omg its so sad!*rei hugs ven*

veneer:hej,its okay...viola,who did let you in,and where did you get that juice and cookie?

viola:from that nice miss!

*points at rei*

rei:sweetie i'm not a miss yet i'm in your brothers age

veneer:you really gave her that?

rei:uhm...i like childern,and shes cute okay?

veneer(to viola):viola please,call this woman 'aunt'



rei:ye-jax i told you to not eat that flower?!

jax:okay sorry not my fault,i mean everyone has thier bad sides-

veneer:how did you came here?this city is far away from our home...are you hurt?and why did you came here?

viola:i came here with taxi,mom and dad were mean to me and they kicked me out...*viola starts crying*

*rei runs to viola and hugs her*

rei:hush little baby its okay...


velvet:i can give her a room where she can live,i mean thats my sister.

veneer:but what shes gonna do?we dont have time at all

rei:we can make like this,when no one has time jax will play with her,when i'll have time i can play with her and when veneer has time he will play with her,or all together

veneer:sounds good

velvet:what about me?

veneer:you spend you time on your phone anyway

vel:yeah?but i can teach her how to do a good makeup

ven:oh no!shes too young for this,yk?i'll just pay for a woman that spend time with childern, are they called?




so this chapter isnt done yet,i'll end it tomorrow and then start with a new chapter like 'rei find out about trolls'or something like this.Oh yeah and the chapter with 👉👌 from ven and rei i'll do later so they can know eachother better.i'll do that chapter eith details and after writing that i'll probably shit my fucking ass pants from cringe but.,WHO CARES ANYWAY?so yeah ig thats all,sll i can say is that viola will appear more bc why not,the 7 idiots from last chapter eill also appear but not that often like viola bc like viola is ven and vels sister and she lives with them so yeah,oh and the 7 idiots(rei's classmates)are real,they are actually still in my class,i have tomorrow another day with them so with me luck,BYEE


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