okay ya guys i know you miss me and love that story(i bet no cares for my dirty ass XD)but i just got mad at my ugly ass stinky weird dicky cocky class,cuz we had a drama.so basically,back to the 08 march.it was Thursday first lesson.we had an english exam.everything went well,and it was the end of the lesson,i was getting ready for music lesson(i live in germany so you need to survive this shit all 10 years)and yk i put my jacket on,take my music stuff etc..while doing this i was talking with adrian,yk,this rick ass aggressive bad boy.we were gossiping bout the examand how bad the quality was.we went up to the music room.i have an (ex)friend ela.afte this day this lip bitchy rat was mean to me etc.on the next thursday right after sports i asked ela whats up,why she acts like this,AND THERE WE ARE,THIS LIL SUKA SAYS I HIT HER IN HER UGLY ASS STOMACHE,SHE ACTED SO PICK MEH,I MEAN,SHES SMALL WITH NO JOKE AND I WOULDNT HIT HER CUZ BACK THERE WE WERE FRIENDS,SHE LIED,AAND MAYBE I HIT HER,BUT THIS WAS NOT PLANNED,YK,MAYBE I HIT HER AND I DIDNT FELT IT CUZ SHE IS FUCKING SMAL AND IM BIG EVEN THOUGHT IT WAS NOT THAT HARD SO I DIDNT FEEL IT?EVEN ADRIAN SAYS I DIDNT HIT HER,anyways,she blamed also everything on aleyna and sibel.then,ela started to ignore us and everything was alright,...UNTIL..next wednesday.cuz then it was an normal day,i thought so.in the last big break before sciene ela said she has to be frjends with aleyna again cuz her mother said so bla bla bla.i forgot to saythat a day before elas mom called aleynas mom and said that aleyna also hit her what was a lie ofc.after 5 fucking minutes ela and aleyna came back.aleyna acted weird.even in math where we normally sit thogether she went to sit with ela.SH DIDNT FUCKING TELL ME THAT MADE ME CRY,CUZ IM THAT TYPE OF PERSON.I WAS WORRIED I DID SOMETHING WRONG,OH ANDNI FORGOT TO SAY,THAT OUR LITTLE MISSY LUANA THATS A MAŁA ZJEBANA SUKA TOLD ALEYNA LIES THAT I WANNA RUIN THE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THEM....on the way home i walkes withaleynas cousin,beza.i told her everything.she said she will talk with aleyna.next 2 days i didnt show up my ass at this dirty school cuz i was sick,no joke.on monday,i went to school.me and aleyna were friends again.i thought so,i also tried to be friends again with ela the bitch but ofcourse her little bossy butt said no.everything was great.UNTIL,this,thurstay.after sports another wika from my class(yes my real name isnt rei but victoria cuz im polish,HA,HA,HA. WHAT A SURPRISE RIGHT?STAY MAD)and she told me everything.that when i was sick these 2 fucking days,the gossip bout me,like,HUH?THEY GOSSIP OUT THE PERFECT MISSY?and i went sad and i side eye'd them and i went to my super best friend(my only friend i have)and they(they cuz genderless rat)said do not worry bout this and my whole class thinks im a liar exept emely,wika,adrian and ekrem ofc.and tomorrow im having a sleepover at my besties."but rei why do we care".thats the only reason why i dont postany chapters by now.im just mad,and im i germany so i have now 2 weeks free of school,anyways,bye my pookie wookie hot potatoies✌

Love VS Fame(veneer x reader)
De Todoa girl named Rei and her best friend named Jack are the newbodyguards of the popstars Velvet and Veneer,but thats not that easy when your best friend is literally a troublemaker...