rei and veneer were still dancing...
veneer*in his mind*:she looks so cute when she dances....her smile is so adorable....
*after some hours veneer an rei decided that they are going back,but no no no,that doesnt mean veneer stops being a gentle man,he will try his best for her*
rei:its so beautiful, lights, music, snow, and that smell of cinnamon~
veneer*takes rei's hand and goes with her to buy cinnamons*
veneer:one big cinamon please!
cinnamon seller:how big?
veneer:the biggest one.
cinnamon seller:that makes 40$
*veneer pays*
rei:uhmm...and for me a sma-
veneer:no,just wait
*after veneer becomes the cinnamon he gives it yo rei*
rei:oh...uhm..for me?
veneer:of course!
rei:well...thank you!*rei smiles and gives veneer a GENTLE kiss on his cheek...she gives it to him that gentle and in that way so he takes it as a thanks-kiss,but not too gentle so he can feel it,ofcourse he blushes but he hides it*
*rei and veneer are walking home,talking and laughing,actually having fun*
veneer:hey,didnt you notice 4 days left to christmas?
rei:oh yeah time goes really fast,i'm so happy!
veneer:me too
*veneer sees a guy is selling roses so he buys one and gives it to rei*
rei:awwwww..thank you its so pretty!
*and again,they were walking...talking and laughing and suddenly,7 wierd boys came up...ofcourse rei knew who they are...rei's old classmates...
ali:the nerd,but the cool nerd,is the type of person that loves PE and when hes at your team in PE and you dont catch the ball he will kill you.
joel:the ok one,rei didnt even know him that much,only thing that she knows is that he goes to a boxing-club
ekrem:the lost in his mind one.cant speak english at all,to be honest its rei's fauvorite,hes just funny,he gets attention and does funny-wierd and random thing and he even doesnt get it,hes just lost and ig ths is normal for him-HE DOESNT EVEN TRY TO BE FUNNY HES JUST FUNNY IF HE WANTS TO OR NOT
taha:the....wierd one,asks stupid questions and says random stupid things,eats pencils,glue and ink...yeah thats all-
nikita:rei.hates.him.he has a huge crush on rei.he is annoying.he also doesnt speak english at all but still,SHE HATES HIM
adornit:funny wanna be,i think he is the class boy boss,i mean everyone know him-he's trying to be funny but no one is gonna beat ekrem
adrian:teachers hate hin,always late,has never his thing,doesnt giva a shit to the lesson,has never homework,always bad grades,messy,rich as fuck,IDK HE IS ALSO LOST THATS KINDA FUNNY*
rei:oh no....
veneer:everything alright?
*they came up to rei*
joel:well,there she is with a popstar
adonit:are you dating?
nikita:i love you
ali:you need to kmow what happened at PE,so we were playing footvall and i won!
taha:would you better eat something or fly?
*rei grabs veneers hand and walks away*
veneer:who were they?
rei:my old classmates,i hate them!okay..maybe exept for adrian and ekrem,they'ee funny...
*veneer and rei came to the hotel where they all live in*
jax:my sister!you finally came i was waiting for you!*says in a joking tone*
velvet:where have you been.?!
rei:we were at a christmas market
veneer:yeah..hhm its cold outside...lets just go in and maybe go to sleep...
velvet:yeah?come on jax you will help me choose a good picture
rei:so...we are alone now...should we go.?
veneer:yeah...good night pookie~*he goes to his room ahd rei to hers*
ok i'm sorry this chapter is so confusing-but hey!we have 7 new (annoying)charakters!YIPEE

Love VS Fame(veneer x reader)
De Todoa girl named Rei and her best friend named Jack are the newbodyguards of the popstars Velvet and Veneer,but thats not that easy when your best friend is literally a troublemaker...