veneer:WHAT?hshah...troll?...u-uhhh..yo-you funny you know...?heheh
*velvet gave veneer a side eye*
jax*begins to choke*
jax:WATER,WATERrei:okay i can-
jax*starts drinking from the toilet...whatever....*
rei:jax,no?!ugh..not again-
*when rei tries to stop jax...velvet noticec that they dont see her and veneer so she starts talking with veneer*
*she whispers loud but not that loud so rei dont hear her*
velvet:what are you doing?!
veneer:doing what?!
velvet:why did you came up with this?!you know they can fond out?!trie to not come that near her or she will find out!i dont know if i can trust her...
veneer:it wasnt my fould?!
*velvet stands up*
veneer:where are you going?!dont live me alone?!
velvet:i need to do something important!j-just dont come that near her
veneer:and what if she sees the troll?!
velvet:just change the subject!
veneer:and what if it doesnt works?!
velvet:then..then..find an excuse?
veneer:and if it doesnt work too?
velvet:cope on your own!
veneer:and if it also doesnt work?
velvet:then..then..j-just..i dont know dont ask me do i look like google?!just act normal!
velvet*loud*:uhmmm...whos my bodyguard again?
velvet:great...come with me
velvet:uhmm..hello?your my bodyguard you need to gp with me everywhere to protect me!
jax:oh yeah..,right-
*velvet and jax leave leavong veneer and rei alone*
*silence for 2 minutes*
rei:its too quiet...
veneer:i like it when it a boy-popstar you have a lot of 'fangirls' that scream whenever they see you...
rei: i know what you feel...
veneer:yeah thanks...wait what how?
rei:there is a boy named 'nikita' that loves me over hate him.
veneer:oh...uhmm can uou fight? make sure..
rei:my whole old school is afraid of me even the teacher.
I'M SORRY I WASNT THAT LONG ONLIN3 BUT YK PEOPLE SOMETIMES JUST DONT HAVE TIME OR MOTIVATION-😭write in the comments what should be in the next chapters!i'll trt to put everything in!
i wanted to say that i'm making this story becouse my friend julia wanted something to read about her, ideas i have are mine to this time,but you can write me ideas and i'll try to use them all.This story wont be that short becouse i know how it feels when a good story or a story that you really like and feel end fast.Oh and one question.Do you want me to make a chapter about rei and veneer 👉👌?And yes the details will be described ....(my friend julia was asking so not mine idea😭)(oh and the chapter about rei and veneer making 👉👌 will be a bit later when they will know eachother a bit better)(OK ONE LAST QUESTION:do you want velvet and jax 👉👌 too?ALSO JULIA'S QUESTION)

Love VS Fame(veneer x reader)
De Todoa girl named Rei and her best friend named Jack are the newbodyguards of the popstars Velvet and Veneer,but thats not that easy when your best friend is literally a troublemaker...