Doubts and a new friend

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He knew nothing of this strange man yet he got the feeling that there was a lot more to this story than she was letting on.

"Uh... huh..."

"Make no mistake... Nekronos might be beautiful, but he is a cold-blooded monster!" She exclaimed.

"Why do I get the feeling that you aren't telling me the whole story? I know you said that he is the youngest son of this war god Nekron but ... It doesn't seem like he attacked without provocation... What exactly led up to your husband's untimely death?" Hyun finally asked, not being satisfied until he got the whole story.

The hostess gave him a look of shock that he would ask her that, unsure how to answer before she got up and left in a hurry. Hyunjin found this suspicious and figured that she and her husband must have done something to warrant Nekronos to attack, seeing that no one else talked about him like that the more he listened to the conversations in the room. He heard someone take a seat next to him.

"Don't worry about her, kid... She isn't as innocent as she claims to be when it comes to the youngest of Nekron." He heard a male voice say.

He looked over to see an armor-clad warrior, a human man who looked battle-worn yet still had the brightest eyes of a young man who had yet to taste the steel of another man's blade.

"Name's Marcus, who might you be?" Marcus asked with a warm smile.

"Hyunjin," Hyun answered.

"Hyunjin? That's an interesting name! Never heard something like it before! Well Hyunjin, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Marcus laughed, making Hyunjin laugh with him.

"So, have you ever had a run-in with Nekronos?" Hyunjin asked.

"No, I would love to have one shot at that kid though. He's the strongest of all of Nekron's children so to even get a scratch on him would make me a legend." Marcus replied which made Hyunjin tilt his head.

"You want to fight him? Aren't you afraid that he'll end your life?" Hyunjin asked which made Marcus laugh.

"Kid, I live and die by the sword. To die by that man's blade, it would be a huge honor." Marcus replied.

Hyunjin nodded, smiling as he wrote down things about Marcus and what he told him about the world. He watched and listened to Marcus, laughing along with his stories before the two decided to head off to their rooms after Marcus generously paid for a room for Hyunjin for the night.

"Hyunjin... before you go, I want to accompany you on your quest. I know you want to get home and I want to help you get there." He said which took Hyunjin by surprise.

"A-Are you sure?"

Marcus nodded which made Hyunjin smile. The two spent the rest of the night chatting and drinking... Well, Marcus did the drinking for both mostly but Hyunjin did partake in a few cocktails before heading off to bed. 

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