Morning and adventure

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In the morning, Hyunjin woke up and wandered out of his room to see Marcus waiting at a table with breakfast.

"Ah! Hyunjin! You're awake, come and eat." He called out.

Hyunjin came over and sat next to him, examining the table with a gorgeous breakfast spread similar to one of those hotels he stayed at before. He was shocked that a place like this would offer such a thing but Marcus placed his hand on Hyunjin's shoulder which brought him back to reality.

"Eat, friend! This meal shouldn't go to waste! The owner was kind enough to provide." Hyunjin smiled at these words and began to eat, savoring the flavors of the perfectly cooked food.

Marcus watched with amazement as Hyunjin ate with such gusto.

"Haven't had a decent meal in a while, Hyunjin?" Marcus asked which caught Hyunjin off guard and made him think about when was the last time he actually ate anything.

"... Come to think of it... I don't think I ate anything since before I came here... Also, this tastes amazing..." He answered.

Marcus let out a hearty laugh which caught Hyunjin by surprise. The two talked and ate before they headed out of the Inn and began their journey to find Hyunjin a way back home. Marcus led Hyunjin over to the stable master and got both of them a horse. Marcus was quick to hop onto his horse Stella before he turned his head to Hyunjin who looked so lost.

"Come on, hop on..." Marcus said which only made Hyunjin more nervous.

"Oh... Wait, you really don't know how to ride a horse? Not a common skill to have back where you are from?"

"Not really..." Hyunjin finally replied.

Hyunjin watched as Marcus hopped off of Stella. "Well, it's easy to learn! Here, take Stella. She's a great teacher."

Hyunjin watched as Stella leaned down enough for him to hop onto her back easier, climbing on with a little instruction from Marcus. The two set off to their next location which Marcus was quick to mark on his map, Hyunjin writing things down his journal as they went on their way.

"Hey, Marcus?" Hyunjin spoke up.

"Yeah?" Marcus replied.

"What do you know about Nekronos? Is he really as terrifying as people say?" Hyunjin asked, slight nervousness in his voice.

"Honestly, don't know... I've never had the chance to see him for myself. I would love to encounter this strange man one day. The way he fights... They say that it's as if he dances with his blades, a spectacular performance as he rends you." Marcus replied.

"Oh, okay. Well... What do you think he really looks like?" Hyunjin asked.

"What do I think Nekronos looks like? ... Why?"

"Well... I want to get an idea of what everyone believes he looks like. Maybe if I put every description together, I can come up with the actual appearance of this mysterious demon prince." Hyunjin replied which caught Marcus off guard.

"You planning on drawing a portrait or something?" Marcus asked with a chuckle.

"Actually yes... I am an artist after all." Hyunjin replied which caught Marcus off guard again.

"Really? That's amazing! I've never met an artist that hasn't been ... So caught up in their own image that they would actually venture out into danger for their craft."

"Wait.. Really? How do they then get the picture right if they don't at least try and see what their subject is?" Hyunjin asked in shock.

"They don't ... They get other people to go out and find the stuff for them. They then go off of the account of their lacky which to me, is boring and makes the art ... Worthless in my opinion." Marcus replied.

This made Hyunjin think, appreciating Marcus' honesty. He thought about how someone could be so careless as to send someone else to go and see the world and bring back an accounting of what they saw, it seemed boring and dangerous since this place isn't like home. There are so many dangers that someone could succumb to that it doesn't seem right to potentially send someone to their death.

Hyunjin sighed at he thought of someone being so careless before he went back to writing down notes in his journal. He listened to Marcus' accounts of what he heard about Nekronos and paid close attention to the details. He mentally sketched an image but it still felt off as it didn't completely encompass what he felt about Nekronos . He felt the power that this strange man had and he never even met him! He thought it crazy that he could feel such power and intimidation from someone who he never even seen before.

The two rode for what seemed like hours until Marcus called out to Hyunjin, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Let's stop here for now, I don't know about you but I am starving!" Marcus said before he hopped off his horse.

Hyunjin nodded and with the help of Stella, he hopped off her back and gave her a gentle pat on the head.

"Thank you for being so patient with me," He said to her which she replied with a calm and slightly playful whiny. 

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