Chapter : 11 ✨Be careful who you trust✨

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Taemur's POV

When I opened my eyes I was in hospital bed. A nurse came to me and asked "Mr. Kim are you ok?" I nodded yes.

Nurse : Hello Mr. Kim Namjoon speaking? I'm Nurse Ayaat speaking from Seoul Gangnam Severance Hospital Mr. Kim regained his consciousness.

30 minute latter

Taehyung was trying to take the water bottle. Nurse Ayaat ran and took the water bottle and open the cap for him and said "Mr. Kim take it." She raises the bottle towards him.

Taehyung pushed her hand aggressively and dropped the water bottle on the ground. Ayaat flinch in shock.

"Did I ask from you?" he shouts loudly.

"Mr. Kim it's my job."

"Shut up!!"

Then someone entered the room and said

"Taehyung she was just doing her job."

"Jin Hyung.!"

Jin : Miss Ayaat thank you now you can go. When the nurse left I told him "she was just doing her job no point in showing such anger on her."

Namjoon: We are the one who should be angry on you. We forbade you not to go to Boxing Club's, why did you go there?

Taehyung: I like to go there that's why. There I can express all my angers. I find peace there, boxing keeps my mind and heart calm.

Jin: I understand, but look at yourself, you was about to die. After five days you regained consciousness.

Taehyung : He huckle "No i'm just newly born."

Namjoon: Was it your suicide attempt?  Forget Yeong-Ro, She doesn't deserve you.

Taehyung: She doesn't deserve me. Who is Yeong-Ro, I don't know any Yeong-Ro. I'm Kim Taehyung who only knows himself. Suicide....? are you crazy Hyung..? I'm not that weak and dumb who would give up his life for a girl. I like to play with death so I did what I Like.

Jin and Namjoon looked at each other. Taehyung changed a lot since breaking up with Young-Ro. Before he was quiet, cute and calm boy. But in the last five months, they could not notice such nature in him. He become Cold hearted nor he smiled, nor he show interest in anything anymore.

A month Letter

Taehyung was riding his bike at high speed on the road with a helmet on his head and his black jacket was flying in the air. He was wearing Indigo blue jeans with white Tshirt and black leather jacket. He stopped the bike in front of  YBC (Yoongi Boxing Club), he parked the bike and went inside. "Yoongi" he called.

Yoongi: Someone called my name so I looked back, "Taehyung!"

Taehyung: I want to learn boxing here.

Yoongi: He stood up from chair and put his hand on Taehyung's shoulder and said "i'll teach you boxing. I'm amused by you. You don't know much about boxing but you did great. Challenging John ia not a normal thing. I believe when YOU will learn boxing you will be great a boxer, greater than John. I was waiting for you. Let me introduce you to my gang members .

Taehyung : Thanks Yoongi for taking me to the hospital that day. Jin Hyung told me about you.

His face was emotionless, but he was not rude with Yoongi .

Yoongi: Your brothers won't mind meeting with mafia like me or learning boxing?

Taehyung said in his deep husky voice with calm tone.

"Who are you talking about? Are you talking about Jin and Namjoon Hyung ? They are my friend but we are like brothers from another mother. Our surname is same, so people think of us as a family relates. They are my father's friend's son Jin Hyung and Namjoon Hyung .They are like my family."

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