Chapter : 27 ✨ I'll be your Muhammad ✨

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Junaid looks at Ziya and says, "I'll be your Muhammad ( PBUH ) and Abdullah."

Hearing his words, Ziya quickly turned her head and looked at Junaid. He was already looking at her, Just then their eyes locked with each other's.

Suddenly heavy rain starts. Junaid stood and put both hands on his head to avoid the rain "Cupcake come in quickly you'll get wet."

He said and walk some distance and looked back at her. Zyia was still standing there with both arms open while enjoying the raindrops. Shoheb pulls Junaid's clothes from behind and says "Boss!!" he looked back and saw Shoheb standing with Lily in his arms.

Junaid saw Lily and stepped backward "Buddy not again" Shoheb said while rising Lily towards him "Lily wants to go in your arms take her."

Junaid runs and Shoheb starts running behind him, Junaid and Shoheb were running around the garden in the rain. Ziya laughs loudly and went to Shoheb,

"Shoheb, why did you bring Lily? She will get sick, let's go inside" Ziya took Lily in her arm's and looked at Junaid, he was making dua in the rain while rising his both hands.

"Shoheb, why did you bring Lily? She will get sick, let's go inside" Ziya took Lily in her arm's and looked at Junaid, he was making dua in the rain while rising his both hands

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( Dua for when it rains: Allahumma sayyiban nafi'an. "Oh Allah, May it be a beneficial rain." The Prophet (SAW) said "There are two time when dua are not rejected 1. The call to prayer (Adhan) and 2. When it is raining." )

Nida was watching them from her balcony. She join her eyebrows in irritation and said "Jamila was right Ziya has started hanging out with more boys these days, look how shamelessly she is getting wet in the rain with an adult boy, this girl is getting spoiled day by day."

Jimin's POV

Jimin was waiting in the rain for Mahi to come to the balcony. From head to toe he was wet. "Ya Allah I feel restless, since that day when I saw my Angel sad, I don't know what happened to her, I can bear the pain of distance but not her tears."

Mahi finished the prayer and looked towards the balcony and saw it's raining outside. She went to the balcony and wet her hand in the rain then closed her eyes and prayed "O Allah calm my mind, calm my heart and guide Jimin, I'll pray for us till the end, union us in the halal way, please union us in the lawful way. Surely there is a lot of power in dua." She opened her eyes and wiped her tears from her cheeks and went back to room.

Tears streaming down from Jimin's eyes and his tears are mixed with rain water.

"Allah accept her Dua, please accept my Angel's prayers"

Taemur's POV

Taemur's POV

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