Chapter 4

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"I'm here to see King Pedro.." The good-looking pirate we now know as Captain Vaun leaned against the gate of the palace. "King told me you'd be arriving.. come in, come in." The Garcian bard lead the Captain inside, to the throne room. "Captain Vaun of the Diamond Rave! Welcome to Garcian! I hope you enjoy it while your here." King Pedro grinned. "Enough father, down to business." Prince Alan interrupted. "What's got you in a tussle? Aren't you engaged?" Vaun frowned. "No, actually. After being pledged the hand of the Princess.. she turned me down in front  of all of Hudsora!" Alan complained. "Which is why we would like to strike a deal with you." The king smiled. "...I'm listening." The Captain tipped his leather hat up. "Bring us the Princess.. we'll bring you a quarter of Garcian's palace riches." King Pedro stepped down from his throne and offered out his hand.

A few moments of thought passed by and the Captain grabbed his hand firmly, shaking it. "I knew you couldn't resist." The king pat his back. "You'll have yourself a Princess in three weeks time. May the wedding bells chime!" Vaun laughed out. "Have a few drinks, Captain. To the start of a new deal!" The king put a hand up, leading him to the vast dining room. The royal chef already bringing out bottles upon bottles of alcohol. "Aye! It's a good night to be a pirate!" Vaun cheers, popping open a bottle of rum and pouring it into a stein. The king and Vaun cheers on their steins and drink. Food was brought out and the two party together, celebrating both the new deal and the Prince's soon-to-be wife. Vaun found drinking helped with the slight jealousy that came with it.

At the end of the night, Vaun was sent back to his ship stumbling with intoxication. In his arms he carried a large bag of gold incase the Princess needed things on the way, a large wedding dress, a crown, and a map to Hudsora from Garcian. Vaun steps onto his ship and heads straight for his cabin area. He puts away the things and collapses back into his hammock. He couldn't sleep just yet, something bothered him. Why did the princess feel so familiar? Why did he feel the negative emotions towards her betrothal to the Prince? He had no time for silly thoughts. Early the next morning they were to leave the harbor of Garcian and head for Hudsora. There, he was to somehow extract the Princess from her castle and get her onboard, without alerting any of the guards. How on earth was he going to pull this off? Anyways, it's better to think about this when not so intoxicated anymore. He lays back in his hammock and closed his eyes, drifting off to a deep and comfortable sleep.

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