Chapter 8

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Vaun returned hours later with cuts, bruises, and blood. "Vaun!" Gisela rushed over to him. "Princess, relax. I need you to back up and give me space." Vaun hissed. "No, you're going to sit right there while I go get tools to help you." Gisela demanded as Shamrock slips her a handful of gold coins. She marched into a nearest shop and purchased materials to help him with. She walks back and sits beside him on the edge of the fountain. "Take off your jacket and and shirt, I'll mend them later." She told him, earning an 'Are you kidding me?' look from him. "Now." She demanded. He scoffed and did as the Princess asked, handing her the vest, shirt, and jacket. "Good, now this is going to sting." She warned him, dipping anti-infect onto a cloth. "How bad." Vaun frowns, followed by a hiss of pain. "That bad." She quipped, disinfecting his cuts with boiled water and vinegar. Vaun gripped the edge of the fountain, trying not to lash out.

"You alright, Cap'n?" Shamrock asked. "I'll be fine." Vaun hissed while Gisela dresses the injuries as needed. She picked up his clothes and heads back to the ship. "Joe, can you get me some needle and thread?" Gisela asked, walking to sit on the edge of the boat. Soon Murder Joe joins her with the needle and thread. She began to mend Captain Vaun's clothes as she hums. "Something on your mind?" Joe asked her. "Yeah.. kind of, I guess. I just wish he'd treat me like an actual person, you know? Instead of like actual rubbish." The princess pouted and she pricked her finger on the needle. "Ouch!" She complained. Vaun grumbled, seeing this. He trudged over and sat beside Gisela. "Captain.." she sighs. "Let me see your finger." He told her, tearing a piece of cloth from the bottom of his shirt she was mending. Gisela wanted to argue but she ultimately put her finger up. He ties the cloth around her finger and glares at her. "Be more careful.." He muttered. She grinned a bit and nodded. He got up and walked away.

She exhales deeply with a smile. "You think you're getting to him?" Joe asked her. "Possibly. I hope so." She lays back, finishing the mending. The sky started to get stormy.  "That's odd it was just clear.." Gisela mutters, heading to Vaun. "Here, I've mended it for you." She helped him put his shirt, vest, and jacket back on. All the sudden there was sweet and charming voice ringing out in the air. Vaun looked towards the way it was coming from. "Sirens.." Gisela muttered. "EVERYBODY GO BACK UNDER THE DECK!!" Gisela yelled out, steering the ship the opposite direction. Vaun tried to take the wheel from Gisela. She pushed him back. "Don't give in to the siren song, Vaun!" Gisela yells. "This is my ship, what are you doing?!" He hissed. "I'm keeping us all alive! You're welcome!" Gisela screams. A siren version of Gisela jumped on board. She wore a flowy pearly dress and jewelry. She walked towards Vaun.

"Do it for me~" She wraps her arms around Vaun. Gisela felt enraged in the moment. She took the sword from Vaun's holster. "Back away from him!" She cried out. The siren smirked, leaning in to kiss Vaun. Gisela grabbed her hair, pulling her back from him. "I'll kill you! Don't test me!" Gisela warned. The siren made a hiss, blue claws coming out of her fingers and gills engraving into her face. Gisela knew what she had to do. She stabbed the Siren, running to Vaun. "Wake up.." she kissed him. Vaun blinked back to reality just in time to see Gisela get dragged overboard, into the sea. "GISELA!!" Vaun called out, looking over the side. "GISELA! NO!" He punched the ship, holding onto the side. Vaun held his chest, collapsing to the floor of the ship. He felt the need to cry.. cry over someone he just met? Cry over the cargo he was set out to transport.. he lost it all. The cargo, the reward, he lost her.. He can't remember how he even got to this situation. It's all black after he fixed her finger up. All the sudden...CRASH.

Gisela held her breath as she kicked at the injured Siren queen. The Siren Queen drags her deeper. Gisela slowly accepted her fate and started to black out from lack of oxygen and the pressure. Right as Gisela black out a mermaid grabs her and darts up to the surface. A battle broke out between Hudsora's Mermaids and the United Monarch Sirens. The Mermaid tribe's Princess set her on a rock far from the battle and waited for her to wake up..... soon, Gisela woke up with a frantic breath. "Gisela!" The Mermaid Princess grins. "Penelope? Penelope!! You saved me!" She jumped into the water to hug her. "It was no problem! You save my fins more times than I can count!" Penelope chuckled. "Thank you. Do you happen to know what happened to the Diamond Rave?" Gisela asked. "The ship? It crashed into Elvar'a this morning." Penelope told her. "Take me to it! It's the Captain of the ship, I have to make sure he's ok!" Gisela begged. "As you wish." Penelope swam off with Gisela.

They arrived at the island. Penelope ran down the beach, towards the large ship that had come up on the sand. Something felt.. off. Her heart drops when she seems the ladder on the side of the ship. She climbs up the ladder and runs below the deck. "IS EVERYONE OK?!" She started to freak out. "PRINCESS?!" Joe ran to her, hugging her. "Joe! You're ok! Where's Vaun?" Gisela looked up at him. "The Elves took him! He was too distracted to even fight back!" Shamrock exclaimed. "You're kidding!" Gisela backed up. "Looks like we need a new captain, I volu-" Rookie started but was interrupted by a slap and intense glares. "Don't you talk like that!! We're gonna find him!" Gisela sobbed, stomping back on deck. She bursts into the Captain's cabin and grabs a sword, pistol, and dagger. She situated them on herself. "Looks like I'll have to do this my way.." Gisela climbed back down the ladder and she enters the heavy foliage forest.

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