Dinner? with me?

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Angel's POV ~♡

We all stood there in a circle, preparing for whatever "Trust Circle" thing Charlie wanted us to do. Right after the extermination, and we're already back to this. At least let me finish cleaning off the angel blood from my fur.

"Angel, I want you to partner up with Husk and discuss your childhood trauma before you came to hell." Charlie smiled at me, that blinding blonde hair flashing in my eyes.

"What? What are we doing?" I asked, having not payed attention.

"We are discussing our problems dueing human life that might have caused our sins." Vaggie answered, her sassy-ass tone shining specifically towards me. Don't know how either Charlue or Vaggie are gonna talk about their "human" lives having never been human.

"Ah ok, whatever." I say back, looking at Husk who was standing at the bar pouring himself a drink. However, there were two drinks.

"Come on now." Charlie motioned for me to go towards him. I guess he was waiting for me, moving a glass with a drink in it towards me.

"So, what fucked you up as a kid?" He asked. He said it in an exhausted tone, enough that it was clear to be a joke. I chuckled slightly, taking a sip from the drink he poured me.

"Well, not really much." I replied. I felt a weird sensation go through me, like, I felt different talking about it with him.

"Really? Well then why you down here with us?" He said.

"I was a stripper, Husk. I did drugs, a lot of them."

"That was during your adult life, we're supposed to be talking about your child life."

"I know what we're supposed to be talking about, it's just kind of, a sensitive thing for me."

"Well you don't really have a choice. Talk to me."

Why do I have to do this? "Well, you know, I guess I had some problems as a kid."

"Like?" Husk looked at me, taking a sip from his drink.

"Well, I didn't get along well with my parents, and then there was my sister, Molly. She died while I was a kid." I said, visibly upset by it.


"And my parents divorced after that, I don't even remember the rest."

"Shit, that's a lot for you."

"Eh, I died already, nothing I can do about it now, ain't like there's therapy down here." I took another sip from my drink.

"Ain't what this hotel is?" Husk asked. I blanked for a minute, because this really was just therapy in hell.

"I'm not gonna treat this place like therapy, at least not like this."

"Fair enough." He turned, washing out a couple glasses. I felt weird, like, it felt nice to be with him, to talk with him.

"Husk," I waited until her turned to face me. "Would you wanna, get dinner, later?"

"Dinner? With me?" He questioned.

"Uh, yea." I saw his face turn slightly red, but was barely noticeable. Mine was definitely red though.

"I mean, sure, why not." He said, turning back to finish cleaning the glasses.

I was satisfied with that answer. We continued talking after that, even though it was awkward. Husk said he didn't have any major trauma, but I'm sure he has some.

Husk's POV ~♧

Night finally came, and I was the first to leave to go do whatever the hell Angel asked me to. Dinner, with him. I waited outside of the hotel, for him to come out and meet me so we could walk to the place he wanted to go to. When he finally came out, he was wearing a white suit. He looked amazing in it. My face felt hot at the sight of him, as he smiled confidently.

"What do you think?" He smirked at me.

"Looks good on you." I replied. His face turned a little red, but I ignored it. I figured he didn't get many compliments in the studio.

"Thanks. Come on, let's go. I specifically requested time off of the studio for tonight."

"I didn't know you could do that."

"Its just like any other job, just not paid time off." He said, he dosent get paid anyway. The walk to the restraunt wasn't very far, but we did pass a lot of clubs on the way. "Right here." He pointed towards the building in front of us, *The Monarch*. Intriguing name.

"Lead the way." I motioned him to get in front of me. We walked in together, seeing the hostess, her pale white skin and long sharp teeth, most likely from Cannibal Town. Smooth Jazz was playing over the speakers.

"Welcome!" She said. "Can I the name for your reservation?"

"Angel Dust." He replys.

"Right, follow me." She began walking towards our table as we followed. It was a small circular table, with a chair on each side next to the window. Angel sat down, and I sat across from him. "Can I get you two any drinks?" She politely asked.

"No, I'm good." I answered.

"I'm fine too." Angel copied.

"Alright, I'll give you two a moment to look over our menu's." She left quickly after that.

"So, you been off a lot more recently. Why is that?" I looked at Angel.

"Well, Val found some new chick, apparently she's better at my job than me, but that let's me get more free time so you know, works for me." He looked out the window.

"Seems you really enjoy this new time off." I scanned through the menu.

"Yea, it's nice. Mainly," He paused. "Talking to you."

My eyes widened and my face felt hotter. I saw his cheeks turn red, and he brought his arms to his shoulders.

"Oh- well, I, I'm always able to talk when your off, if you want to." I said, my face getting more and more hotter. He gave me this feeling, like, I wanted to do this more with him.

"Yea, thanks." He covered his face with his hands, looking down at the menu.

Angel's POV ~♡

Holy shit, I really just said that. He didn't like me before, why now? I mean, he did say yes to dinner, god this is awkward. Finally, the waitress lady came back.

"Have you guys decided on anything yet?" She said.

"Yes, I'll get the seared scallops." Husk said, folding the menu and handing it back to her.

"And for you?" She looked at me.

"Uh, I'm still looking." I lied.

"Alright, let me know when you are ready. I'll get those scallops ringed in." She left.

"You like scallops?" I asked.

"Yea, that ain't too bad."

"Didn't think you'd like that kind of stuff." My stomach growled after saying this. Husk noticed.

"Angel, get something." He said, assertively.

"No, it's fine, I'm not that hungry.

"Why invite me to dinner and then not get anything to eat? Eat."

"No, I'm okay, I swear."

"Eat, Anthony." He looked at me, his pretty eyes staring at me.

"I'm not sure. What do you suggest?" I say, regrettably.

"Have you ever had caviar?"

Husk's POV ~♤

We finished our dinner quickly, and I paid because I felt bad for preasuring him to eat. We had casual talk as we walked back to the hotel.

"Husk, can I say something special?" Anthony asked.

"Hm?" I smiled back at him. He bent down to my face, and he seemed scared of something. He then pressed his lips against mine. He kissed me, right in front of the hotel. I... liked it. I pushed my tongue against his lips until I felt his tongue. The moment I did, he pulled away. My mouth was a bit open, from the shock. He stood back up, his face and chest turning red. He was as shocked as I was. He then ran to the door of the hotel, and went up to his room. Did I do something wrong?

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