Just a peck... Maybe more?

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Angel's POV ~♡

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. I just did that, I just kissed him. What do I say now? It's awkward being around him now, unless I say something about it. God damn he was hot during that.

"Angel?" I heard Husk's voice outside my door. I stayed silent. "Angel, can I come in?" He asked.

"Uh- uh- yea come in." I sat down on my bed, my back facing the door. I heard it open and close quickly, Husk's footsteps approaching me.

"Angel, i- did I make you uncomfortable?"

"No, no you didn't. I just, didn't expect you to do that much. Im, sorry for doing that by the way."

"Don't be sorry, I- I enjoyed it." I looked at him as he said that, a slight smile on his face. I smiled back at him.


"Yes, really. I wanted to ask, if you'd like to... be official?"

I looked directly at him, wondering if he really meant it. He's face was beginning to turn red, and mine was too, along with my chest. I didn't know how to answer.

"Boyfriends?" He said.

"Well, when you out it that way..." I spoke seductively, for a stupid joke with him.

"Awh come the fuck on man." He swung around, chuckling a little. I laughed happily, having finally been able to trick him again. After we both calmed down, I finally answered the question.

"Yea, I'll be your boyfriend." I laid down on my bed.

"So it's settled then." Husk held his hand out to me. I grabbed it, and pulled him towards me. He fumbled onto the bed, and on top of me. I didn't want anything intimate, I just wanted to feel his fur. "What the hell?" He spoke.

"Calm down, I didn't want to fuck, I'm not that much of a whore."

"Well shit if you want to do something you could've just asked."

"I just, wanted to feel your fur. And, maybe cuddle a little bit." I looked away from him as I said that.

"Again, you could've asked instead." He smiled at me. Pulling himself off of me and laying beside me, holding my hand still. He brought his arm over my chest, pulling me to him. He hugged me, his wings curling over us. I buried my face in his chest, feeling his warm fur on my face. This was a lot, mainly for just establishing our little romance like a minute ago. He was so soft. I buried my face into his chest even further, feeling his heartbeat, and his warmth. At that moment was when I heard Husk start purring. It was unexpected, but nice. He brushed his hand down my back, keeping the feeling that I was safe active.

"Angel?" I heard a voice at my door, followed by a knock. "Are you coming to the trust circle today?" Charlie's voice politely questioned, rotating my doorknob.

"Stop!" I yelled. It wasn't much longer before she saw me and Husk laying in bed, rushing our of the room and slamming the door shut. "Shit..." I ruffled out of the bed to lock the door.

Charlie's POV ~☆

I stood outside of Angel's room, having just seen him in bed with Husk. I didn't see all that they were doing, but it was something. I heard the door lock and footsteps away from it. I walked away, quietly, returning to the new group of demons that wanted a shot at redemption.

"Okay everyone, unfortunately our other guest is busy right now, so I'll go through the process with you." I say to everyone, around 5 new people.

Angel's POV ~♡

"It's fine, she didn't see nothing." Husk tried to calm me down.

"Well I wasn't expecting to have to tell Charlie of all people about our 3 minute long relationship dumbass!" I exclaimed, not really meaning to be mean.

"Anthony! Either way it's not like she'd care about us sleeping together."

I looked at him, in a loving way. I don't like it when people use my real name, but Husk, he was different. I liked him saying my name. "Okay, okay." I breathed calmly. Husk stepped off my bed, and walked towards me, holding his hands out to mine. I took his hands, holding them up to my chest. His hands were cold, and they felt nice to hold. He then lifted himself up to my face, kissing me. I grabbed his waist and lifted him up, making it easier for us both. His tongue requested to enter my mouth, and our tongues met. It felt nice to feel him like this, and it lasted for a few seconds. When we finally broke apart, I set him down, happy that he wanted that. He has wrapped his arms around my waist, and it felt odd he would do this kind of thing. He then pulled me, and pushed me onto the bed. I really, wasn't expecting this from him. He climbed on top of me, calmly, and without force. I let him, so he continued.

"More than a kiss?" I asked.

"Maybe... If you want." I raised an eyebrow at him as he said that. "You, pervert." He said. I laughed, as he laid down on my chest, looking at me, smiling.

"Well, you know, I'm open to anything." I say, as he grabbed my face. I looked at him in shock.

"Sorry, sorry" He said, taking his hand off my cheek.

"For what?"

"For, touching you without your saying I could. I know what your job has done to you."

"Oh Husky," I paused, grabbing his cheek. "My face isn't something you need my permission to touch, only the top of my head."


"Yes, whiskers." He looked at me angrily when I called him that. He grabbed my cheeks again, and pulled himself in to kiss me again. Our tongues met almost immediately, and we did this for a while. He pulled away to catch his breath, before kissing me again. We did this, for a long time. We made out, and my god he was good at it.

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