Arzon, the lost

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A boy wakes up from an amazing sleep and yawns along with a nice stretch which makes his body feel weak for a second. He gets up and immediately goes to the bathroom to get ready for his first day of school.

The boy looks in the mirror: "... Maybe I used too much hair gel." The boy says as he fixes up his hair again.

"Alright... I think that's a good first impression. I, Arzon Lilith... Will become a Magic Knight! ......... Cheesy..."

Arzon wears the school uniform, which is a small robe with the colour black and grey for the collar. A grey long sleeved tuxedo with a dark blue neck tie. "I'm ready." And with that, he goes downstairs to eat breakfast with his family.

"ROCKY, STOP KNOCKING ON THE GODDAMN DOOR OR ELSE I'LL BLAST THE DOOR ALONG WITH YOU!!!" Arzon's older brother, Arcus yells at his younger brother. "Hmph..." Rocky pouts. Arzon quickly walks past them and enters the kitchen. He sees his sister and his father preparing breakfast and putting them on the table before calling out to the two arguing brothers to come down and eat.

After the family had finished eating, Arzon's father, Lee Bloodstone, puts on his cape with the word "Captain" imprinted on it, the cloth coloured in a beautiful forest green. "Cynthia! Don't forget to take care of the laundry." The father says to the sister. "And you two should start walking to school now. ... Rocky! Let's go, I'm about to head out." Arzon and Arcus pick up their stuff and start walking to school, while Rocky follows Lee at the opposite direction, since primary school and the kingdom's castle is close to eachother.

Arzon looks around the neighbourhood, greeting everyone he sees. "Hey Arc. Do you think there'll be rarer battle classes here? Like a Paladin or... Or a Juggernaut!" Arzon says, having a hint of excitement in his voice. "Those are lame. Conjurers are way cooler, dude. Waaaaayy cooler." Arcus has a hint of cockiness in his voice and face. Actually, it's not even just a hint, he's basically yelling it out loud. "You're a fire conjurer who uses a fire magic imbued katana... It's overrated."

"Says the guy who's literally a useless Mist Mage. Sure, your a double mage, but you can't even figure out how to fully control your second element!" Arcus says to Arzon. Things seems to be getting heated!

"Well it's not my fault I was borned with Mist Magic..."

Arcus smirks. "Oh, so you're blaming dad now?"

"What? No! ..."

Arcus laughs after noticing that Arzon doesn't have any more come backs. The whole walk to school was either awkward, or heated. No inbetween.

Looking forward, Arzon sees a huge building, with a big sign pretty much saying "Bloodstone Academy, school for future knights of Rivera Kingdom".

"We're here..." Arzon takes a moment to examine the academy. A large gate entrance, where there are a bunch of students coming in and out, and a few people sitting down and chatting inside the school grounds. There are also a bunch of hybrids, both beast and animal hybrids. "Finally." Arcus walks pass Arzon and he soon disappears from sight.

"I guess I'm on my own now..." Arzon sighs.

"What're you talking about?" A person from behind says to Arzon, making him jump slightly. The boy chuckles a bit, but apologizes right after. "Sorry. My name's Rye. Rye Freddle. Nice to meet you, sir!"

"Sir?.." Arzon looks around. "I'm 15..."

"Ah... What a way to remind me I'm short..." Rye says with half closed eyes. "Sorry..? I'm Arzon Lilith. Nice to meet you, Rye." Arzon offers Rye a handshake and he happily accepts.

"Come on. We're classmates!" Rye says as he starts walking, entering the building.

"Classmates? How do you know that? Can I even trust you?"

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