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Rye wakes up, feeling extra good today ever since he met Arzon and Collins yesterday.

The sun pierces through the curtains, and he gets blinded as soon as he opened them. "Ack!" Rye rubs his eyes, and lazily walks over to the bathroom outside his bedroom.

Butt naked and a towel draped on his shoulder, he opens the bathroom door, but stops mid way to see his dad coming out of another room.

"Good morning, dad..."

"Good morning, son..."

The two says to eachother, both looking like a mess with a bird's nest for hair.

The mother climbs up the stairs and sees the two, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Honey, you should go drink yer coffee donwstairs, and you young man, should quickly shower and go eat yer breakfast before yer dad gobles them all down." The mother has a feint accent, and her voice strong. She's already used to taking care of these two.

Rye enters the bathroom and closes the door lazily, not even caring to lock it. "Haah... Alright, energy, I need you right now... Wake up, says me!" ... Nothing happens. But atleast he managed to smile decently.

He hops in the shower and turns it on, the water slowly warming up. He looks down "I can never understand you, Mr. Morning Wood." He continues showering while humming a tune.

Soon after he had finished showering, he wears the school uniform and heads downstairs.

"Rye! Sit down. I managed to stop yer dad from eating the whole table this time, so enjoy!" The mother smiles happily. The father is sulking somewhere in the living room.

After his breakfast, he gets up and starts walking to school with his dad. Opening the front door, Rye spots someone familiar who's about to pass through their front house.

"Collins!" Rye shouts, but is proven useless as Collins ignores him. He seems to be walking faster though.

Rye jogs to Collins, catching up to him. His dad just lets him be and trails behind.

"Collins! So, you live around here too?"

"... Obviously." Collins replied.

"Hah! Yeah, obviously. This town has great people. Your house is the one over there, right?" Rye points to one of the houses.

"Yeah. How'd you know?.."

"The previous owner was a friend of my dad. He came by a few weeks ago to tell us that they're moving out. Sad to see another friend disappear... But it's not bad to see new ones too!" He smiles, wrapping his arms around Collins' shoulders.

"Wow. You're way smaller than I thought... You're about... 135cm?.."

Collin's right ear twitches as the left one stays drooped.
"... You're just tall."

"What? No way. I'm way below average. I'm about... 160cm tall! Arzon's 170cm... It's quite unfair!.."

Collins stays quiet and just walks, his ears facing away from Rye to avoid loosing braincells from his rambling and complaining.

"Anyways... What magic do you have?" Rye asks out of the blue.

Collins thinks for a second, before slightly facing torwards Rye.
"I don't have a true magic."

"Ah... What... What does that mean?" Rye asks, filled with curiousity.

"It means my magic energy particles are unmodified/not special/perfect/ formless/shapeless/whatever."

"But what does that have to-"

"Formless magic energy particles(MEPs) is when the particles of magic energy doesn't have a true form, yet still very stable. This causes it to not have any effects of the elements. Almost like wind magic, but different in what it can do." Collins doesn't realize how big of a nerd he sounds like right now.

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