At the edge

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Many houses, destroyed and burned into ashes. Screams of terrified, innocent people fill the air to the point of obscurity in one's mind. "Stay here, Arzon. Mom will be back soon... I'm sure." the sister tries to smile, but tears flood her eyes like a storm in an ocean. "Cynthia, we can't stay here!.. Rocky's about to pass out from all the smoke!" the brother yells, his voice drowned by screams. Even his anger proves to be invisible as adrenaline kicks in. All four children... Worried, scared, angry, confused and lost. The father comes in, pushing all obstacles to the side as he hurries to his children, ignoring the boiling hot tears running down his cheeks. "Lilith..." the father curses under his breath.

"Hmph... Earth to Arzon? ... Arzon, wake up!.."

Arzon jumps as he hears his friend's voice rise. "Urk- Huh..? Ah!" Arzon looks around, looking a bit messy.

"Dude. You're so lucky we're sitting at the back of the class... The professor could've seen you hours ago! I know Weaponry Arts is a boring subject for mages like you but atleast pay some respect..." Rye says to Arzon.

"Y- yeah... Yeah." Arzon looks behind, and sees Collins napping without a care in the world. "... Lucky bunny..."

The class soon ends and the three headed to the library, which they decided is their meeting place. ... Rye was the only one who hated the idea.

As the trio arrive at the school library, they find seats and have a few conversations.

"I was thinking of creating a water spell the other day where I-" Arzon gets cuts off.

"Wait, wait, wait... Creating? I've heard creating your own spells are difficult as hell." Rye says.

"... It's suppose to be difficult?.." Arzon looks at his palms. "I just need a little creativity, right?" He turns to Collins, Rye follows suit. Collins look at them two with his usual annoyed expression.

"... Arzon, I thought you have already read a bunch of books about magic creations?.." Collins says, with a bit of an annoyed and lazy tone.

"No... Those are books about how magic was discovered and evolved. ... I never really payed any attention to stuff about battling and such... But ever since the recent attack, I can't help but feel like I have to learn these things."

"..." The bunny boy looked away, thinking silently for a while before turning back to Arzon. "....... You should learn how Magic Energy Particles work."

Arzon's face light up and directs his attention to Collins.

"You're a double mage. Which means you have evolved particles in you." Collins looks at Arzon. He can see sparks of fluid-like glowing particles, flowing around Arzon like calm rivers. They look more like fireflies than water though. "... Huh. You're magic control really is amazing." Collins says.

"Really? How do you know?! Gasps You're a magic sensor!-"

"Shush. ... Magic energy particles are similar to magnets. Magnets attract one thing only, and that is iron. As for your particles, they attract water. These particles are a part of your mind and body, thus allowing you to control them, and that creates what we all call... Water magic. ... Or Mist Magic-"

Rye and Arzon both look quite confused but also surprised. Their jaws are technically on the floor at this point.

"Since these particles are connected to your mind and body, certain words and body movements can affect them. For better, or worst." Collins stands up and finds a pencil from his pouch. "Here. Hold this." He gives Arzon the pencil. He holds it in his hand tightly.

"... Abicio." Collins says in a relaxed and cold voice. The air around his palms vibrate, then the pencil in Arzon's hand flings far away from the three. Arzon and Rye is amazed but they expected it from someone like Collins. "That was a disarming spell created by a famous mage from a long time ago, during the times where elemental magic hasn't been discovered. ... Anyways, the word Abicio... It's not what the meaning is that matters, but the way it affects the environment. ... Haah... How do I explain this?.. ... Basically, your particles can't really recognize words and their meanings. But it does recognize the muscle movements you make and the words' own shape of vibration- Agh! Just- go read a book about it or something..." Collins immediately focuses back on his book and starts reading.

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