Kingdom of Ferox

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"Come on, Collins! You can do this! You can-" Rye ducks as his dagger comes flying past him, nearly piercing him in the eye. "Uh... B- better luck next time-"
Collins' eyebrows point downwards, clicking his tongue once.
"Hey guys! We can start moving now." Arzon gestures for the two to start following him.

The beautiful grassy hills look almost golden as the sun rises. The trio walks along the dirt path, mesmerizing the sight. It's quite breath taking, the air feels cold against their skin. "I feel like we could see the whole world from here... Don't you guys think so?" Arzon smiles as he takes a deep breath of the fresh air.
"You're not wrong. ... So... We're still heading East?" Rye looks around.

Arzon takes out a map. "Err... Yeah. ... I'm glad they gave us a map before we left. This thing comes in quite handy!"

"It would be better if you guys can actually read it correctly." Collins furrows his eyebrows and snatches the map from Arzon's hands. "We're going over here, South East. Like Arzon said, there's a small civilization there." The three starts walking, continuing their journey.

Meanwhile, somewhere under the mountains of the earth...

Roaring and laughter fills the room, the sounds and surroundings being cavernous as rocks, minerals, dirt and other earthly materials shape the whole place, wooden structures in some of the areas like a mine shaft. Two glass mugs collide, making a clanking sound, before the two hybrid men downs their drink in less then a second. "Listen up!" The hybrid manning the bartender taps a glass mug with a spoon to catch the others' attention. "Our lord and his men have been training and learning their whole lives ever since the first Blood War ended! And just a few days ago, their hardwork had finally payed off! ............ We have destroyed the biggest kingdom in the island of Caelius!" The whole tavern cheers and mugs shoot up in the air. "But this is just the beginning... Of the Second Blood War... Everyone! Drinks on me!" Everyone cheers again, this time each and every hybrid downing their mugs full of beer.
One of the hybrids that is wearing blood-red steel armour, gets interrupted by another hybrid who looks rather slim and short. "Chief... The lord sent this to you." He gives him a small paper, in which he reads immediately.

The "Chief" grins, crumpling the paper and throwing it before leaving the tavern.


The trio finally reaches their destination, their eyes wide. "Woah..! Is this like, a whole kingdom?" Rye examines the big walls surrounding the place, but it's not as big as the ones at their kingdom.
"Yeap! This is definitely the Kingdom Of Ferox!" Arzon smiles. "It was built right after the blo-"

"Yeah, yeah. All that history shit. Anyways, I'm starving!" Rye starts wandering around the lively town marketplace, searching for food to munch on. Collins follows Rye, trailing a step behind.

"Don't spend all the gold!" Arzon yells at them, watching them leaving his sight. Arzon also decides to roam around the marketplace. "I really hope they're here..." He thinks to himself, referring to his family. "Hm?" He spots a poster of some sort, hanging on a wooden pole. "Tournament..?" then, a kid interrupts him. "Hey, sir! Are you taking part in the tournament?"

"Err... No-"

"Whaat? Well, my brother is joining. He has to because of the reward! It's a ton of gold! We'd be able to build a new house with it."

"Oh! Cool-" The kid runs away after seeing his brother, he immediately went and hugged him. Arzon looks at the poster once more. "Maybe... Mm... I could use the training- and the gold would come in handy, just in case we don't find our family here. Plus, Rye would love this! Alright, I'll join..." Arzon takes the poster and runs to go meet with his friends.
Eventually, he spots the two sitting on a bench, eating quite a lot of what seems to be... vegetables on a stick? "Guys! ... What are you- Nevermind- Er... Check this out." He puts the poster out forward, showing the two.

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