Down another

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The roars of the crowd sends shivers down Arzon's spine. He paces around the room nervously. Rye puts a hand on his shoulder. "Arzon. Remember your first day meeting me? And the part where you fought against Reeve?"

"... Yeah? What's with it?.."

"Just try to remember how it felt like after you won!" Rye gestures with his hands as he smiles. Arzon nods and smiles before Rye pats his back and leaves him to get his gear. "Alright... I can do this." Arzon muttered to himself. Soon, their team gets called to get onto the arena. The trio steps out and is met with an excited crowd roaring and cheering. Infront of them, they see a ground path that leads to the middle, a large circular ground with water surrounding it.

They step onto the middle, looking around at the crowd. "Helloooo people!" Rye waves his hands at the surrounding crowd while Arzon is trying to calm himself down, and Collins just seems to be thinking. After a few seconds, the other team enters the arena, a group of 3, and all seem to be their age if not, a bit younger. The opponent team line up infront of the trio, putting their hands out to offer the trio a handshake. The trio gives them the handshake awkwardly, before the two teams each go to the far side of the arena. "Alright, guys. We got this!" Rye yells out. Then, the calm before the storm, the crowd is silent as they wait for the bell to be rang. A sweat drips from Arzon's forehead.


The bell rings and the opponents immediately rush forward. The trio gets taken aback by this, but they quickly calm down. "Rye, you take care of the guy on the left. Collins, you take care of the guy in the middle! Quick!" The trio moves forward.

Arzon gets into a stance as he watches his opponent rushing towards him. The kid suddenly jumps and does a flip, kicking his leg extra hard and igniting flames that comes flying towards Arzon. "Formless Dragon..." He whispers, then a torrent of water rises and falls towards the kid, extinguishing the flame attack in the process. The water then hits the boy hard, almost knocking him off the ground. Arzon suddenly felt a surge of confidence after landing his attack successfully. "Oh... Hell yeah!" He then moves closer to his opponent, moving his hands in a circular manner. "Water Magic, Tide Dance!" Water starts to circle around him, dancing with each movement of his body. Arzon then shoots his right hand forward, and a water bullet shoots towards where he aimed. He repeats this move over and over until his opponent is knocked out of the arena ground. The boy automatically gets escorted out of there. Arzon then joins in with Collins, who seem to be having a hard time.

Collins is being cornered towards the edge by walls of dirt and stone. He tries his best to push them away with his magic, creating barriers around him. Arzon looks around but can't seem to spot the guy Collins is fighting. At first, he tries destroying the earth walls with water magic, but it's useless. Arzon immediately stops when he hears Collins' voice.

"Arzon! He's underground! I can sense him somewhere below!" Collins yells out.

Arzon doesn't waste any more time and immediately start locating the foe. He looks over to Rye for a second and it seems he's holding himself up pretty well. He focuses back on his main task. "What can I do?.. ... Agh. I'll just do something!" He raises his hands, two pillars of water rises from the surrounding river. He then gently puts his arms down and forward, the water then gets absorbed by the ground. "Alright..." Arzon moves his arms around in a circular motion, then the dirt in front of him starts to get soft and turn into mud. It slowly turns into a mud whirlpool, revealing their foe. "There you are!" He yells out. Collins destroys the earth walls after their foe got distracted, and he ran next to Arzon. Collins holds his right hand out towards the foe. "Calcitrare." He says quietly, and some sort of spark sprays out and towards their foe almost bullet like. It throws their foe high up into the air, out of the muddy whirlpool, and then out of the arena ground. "Nice, Collins! Come on, we got to get to Rye-" Arzon gets cut off when a sharp dagger flies right infront of him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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